Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Higher Plane of Life

What is this I'm feeling?

Why are you dealing

Losing hands and stealing

My stability? I'm kneeling

With the acknowledgement

That the procurement

Of rest is now obscurement.

No lasting establishment

Of peace leaves me lacking

Words to end my slacking

And silence. I've been packing

Down all emotions and stacking

Daily duties of life on top.

But it's time all that stopped;

Time to harvest the crop

That's ready to drop

From exhaustion

And too much caution.

My only option

Will soon be crossing

To a place of no return--

Where it's crash and burn.

Will I ever learn

That while I may yearn

For certain situations,

Life's not on vacation?

And unrealistic infatuations

Only steal my dedication

From the truly valuable,

Seemingly unattainable,

But always rewardable

Higher plane of life.


Kc said...

I always loved the Korner Wisdom. I pray you're well.

Luke said...

Ok, that was cool.

Corry said...

That's beautiful!

How are you doing, girl?

God's Grace.

Anonymous said...

I wrote my own poem:

I saw a worm
I put it on my tongue
I didn't like the taste of it
So I decided not to swallow it
Oh how it makes my mother squirm
When she thinks I ate that worm

Lame, huh? :-)

Tim said...

I wonder what the realities behind the lines on the poem are...

Bill said...

It is nice to hear from you again. I loved the poem.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the realities behind the lines on the poem are...

I think she means to say she works hard, she is underappreciated, and tired of taking flack from people, most especially men. I've learn to read women after a while. The tough part is still making sense of them after you read them. :-)

Kristi B. said...

Thank you all for your comments!

Ryan, you are pretty close... Let me break it down for you all. Basically, what I'm saying here is that I had gotten out of touch with my emotions/feelings for different reasons. The main one is just the daily grind of life--everything I have to do takes precedence over analyzing how I'm feeling, why I feel that way, and trying to express that. A number of "unlucky" incidents seem to keep me w/ a losing hand, so I really haven't WANTED to analyze my emotions, because I know they are negative. However, the turning point is the realization that bad things will not stop happening, and I must find a way to express positive feeling even during this, unless I pass the point of no return--where I have become so out of touch w/ comminicating how I feel that it becomes almost impossible if I try it. That is a sad, cold, hardened place to be. So, that's why I must push to live on a higher plane--to live w/ joy and the love of God even in the midst of boring daily duties, bad circumstances, and an "un-fairytale-like" life.

did ya' get all that? =)