Monday, September 18, 2006


Everything's just rolling right along. One of our doctors died mysteriously in his car on the way to work Friday. Then, this morning I received a couple death threats from patients. Just a normal morning right?

This job is getting really interesting.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


"So, I switched my alarm clock to come on to a different radio station. This morning, to wake me up, comes blaring across my radio, 'I pledge allegiance... blah blah blah'. I mean, how annoying can you get? A bunch a kids rambling off that old-fashioned stuff. Do kids even say that garbage any more? How annoying! You can bet I'll be switching the station again tonight!"

Excuse Me???? It took everything in me not to blow my top right there and then. I simply said, "I like hearing the pledge of allegiance, and I don't think it's old fashioned, and if kids are not saying it anymore, than it's a real shame."

Tomorrow, I'm taking a big American flag poster to put up at my desk. Who knows? Maybe I'll stand and salute and say the pledge every hour just to drive home my point. Well, okay.... maybe that wouldn't be the best way to handle it!!!

And to think.... the day after Sept. 11 even! Shameful!

umm... yeah

What a bad football weekend we just had!!! Longhorns, S.C. Gamecocks, the Cowboys..... I mean, even the Houston Texans, all lost!! Oh well, it's early in the season and they still have time to come back and have a good season.

On another note, I'm officially Tex-i-fied now. Got my "Lone Star State" tags! =)

That's all. It's early.... can't believe I'm actually doing this first thing in the morning... What is my problem?

Monday, September 04, 2006

Figuring it all out

Broken promises; empty words
Fell on my ears and
Crushed my heart.

Flicker of truth; glimmer of hope
Cast a light on my soul but
Replaced soon by shadows.

Unfounded faith; misplaced trust
Broke apart my securities and
Tossed them to the waves.

Disillusioned; questioning each decision
Brought complete confusion
To mind, heart, and soul.

Disappointment; people fail
Both a part of life--
Accept, and move on.
Someone once said "It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." My question is this, How many times can one accept and move on, love and lose, before they become completely untrusting, cynical, failure-fearful individuals? Is there ever an end? Is there a time when you should stop, stand, and fight to make a relationship work? Or should you just always accept and move on? Is it worth a fight? Is it worth all the effort? Does the fear of failing ever go away? Does the perfect relationship ever come where both individuals are completely sure that the other will be there until the very end, no matter what? How can anyone be that trusting after going through several break-ups? Do you think that if your security is based upon the other person needing you, that once you don't feel needed, your security will be gone, and then the decay of the relationship begins? I think so. So how do we learn not to place our security in a relationship in the other person? I believe the answer would lie in the concept of knowing the relationship was God's will, and therefore, basing your security in God working everything out. Right? But then, if it doesn't work out, how do you keep yourself from blaming God, and becoming disillusioned with His promises and care over our lives as our Heavenly Father?
Okay, enough questions. I really don't expect anyone to answer them. And please don't read into this.... I'm not breaking up with anyone or blaming God for anything. I'm trying to put myself in someone else's shoes and understand a little of their thought patterns. It's kind of a little hobby of mine--figuring out how other people think. It helps when I try to communicate with them, if I can start where they are. Sometimes I'm way off-base, but hey, it's better to try and lose than never to have...... Just kidding!