Thursday, January 12, 2006

I was trying not to complain, BUT. . .

I can't hold it in any longer!!! Why are the gas prices steadily increasing, and nobody is questioning or saying anything this time around? Have we just become accustomed to it? Do we just accept it because we don't care any more? Or was it just the only thing people had to complain about three or four months ago?

Well, anyways. There. I said something about it. So now we can all move on with our lives! =)


Nate said...


One(ofthemany)things I miss about SC is the cheap gas prices!
I think they are high every where now but when I first moved up here to the frozen tundra my jaw dropped!
I paid $2.34 this morning for gas!! if it wasn't so dang cold I'd ride my bike!!!



Kristi B. said...

Here, for the cheapest grade is about $2.25. Just two weeks ago though it was $1.97. I don't know what is going on. There's no hurricanes or anything.... I mean c'mon!

Anonymous said...

Ya gas hurts the bootum line. I can remember when it was around a dollar or less. I can't wait to have kids I can tell that too. :) 'Even so, Jesus come quickly'

Nate said...

I remember one summer in Spartanburg when gas was like .87!! My wallet could use a break like that nowadays!


steve said...

They are actually just trying to make it too expensive for you to drive so you don't crash anymore...

Kristi B. said...

Steve, I about busted a gut when I read that. You crack me up! That was toooooo funny.

Bill said...

That was so funny Steve...maybe we ought to be complaining that where Kristi lives that it isn't expensive

Anonymous said...

The cheapest I ever paid for gas was 76 cents back in like 1997 when I first started driving. Crazy or what?! I heard that by next summer, gas will be up $.57. I just think it's a sign of the times. I believe the Lord is coming for us soon! Hallelujah! :)

Anonymous said...

I really like the way Steve thinks!!!!!

tonymyles said...

It's like gambling that we all agree to do. "Should I buy today or will it go down tomorrow?" = "Come on, black... come on, black... AW! SNAKE EYES!"

Tim said...

I filled my tank yesterday for $2.25/gal. And the station I go to is usually one of the cheapest if not the CHEAPEST in the area.

I blogged a bit about the gas prices in Aug or Sept when it was over $3/gal...

Blame dubya. Sure. I did. Everything's his fault.

Kristi B. said...

green, ya' just had to bring dubya into this now didn't you? but, I'm going to resist the urge, and just shut up about it.

audrey` said...

I like the way you say it

"Move on with our lives"

Life has to go on =P

Corry said...

I am so glad you got it out of your system, but I just had to point this out... A gallon of gas is prolly getting us further then a bag of reeses, although agreeing with Steve, the latter maybe alot safer too, hehe.
Hmm...maybe not, high cholestorol, trans fats, carbs, aarrgghhh:-)
Yeah, let's move on, hehe.

God's Grace.