Tuesday, January 24, 2006

When God Writes Your Love Story

This book by Eric and Leslie Ludy has been around for a few years now, but I'm just finally getting around to reading it. What I've read so far has already been a huge blessing. If you are single, or if you have older teenagers or "young adults", you would be doing yourself a favor to read it and have them read it.

Here's a few excerpts from the introduction written by Leslie:

“How many years had I longed and urgently searched for true love? How many nights had I lain awake, dreaming of a beautiful romance—a lasting relationship
that wouldn’t end in heartache?

"I had made incredible sacrifices in an attempt to somehow cling to every short-lived dating relationship that came my way. I had given pieces of myself away to each man that came into my life—pieces of my heart, my emotions, and even my body. Yet once he had tired of me, my fragile heart would be played with and then carelessly tossed aside. Even if I was the one who ended a relationship, the heartbreaking pain was inevitable. Every time it felt like something precious was being violently ripped from inside of me.

"I yearned to be loved andcherished. I had dreamed of a perfect love story for my entire life. But somewhere in the midst of the endless cycle of one temporary romance after the next, my dreams had shattered right along with the broken and fragmented pieces of my heart.”…

“’God, where are You in this?’ my heart cried. ‘I am Your child. All my life, You know I have longed for something beautiful. I have searched for true love. Does a pure and perfect romance even exist in this dark world of lust and perversion and sin? Should I even dare to dream of something beyond the shallow, meaningless, cheap version of love I’ve known so far?’”

Does any of that sound familiar?

And here's some from Eric's perspective:

“Yes, I also know what it is like to be lonely. Really lonely! In fact, I understand the toxic mix of loneliness and sexual longing that creates the sensation of your heart being toasted like a s’more-destined marshmallow over a roaring campfire.

“I know what it’s like to want someone to hold, someone to gently lean upon me, someone to care about my needs in, you know, a romantic sort of way! I know what it’s like to desire someone with whom I could share my wild life, my passionate love, and my intimate embrace. I know what it’s like to long for the ‘beautiful side of love.’”

Read the book to find out how Eric and Leslie faced the questions and struggles, and how God showed them and gave them a beautiful love story.

Okay, that was sappy. I'm about to make myself sick.

Seriously though, check it out. And visit their website here. They've also got a few CD's out with some really good music. I put the link to the book from Barnes and Noble on my sidebar.

Okay, that's enough of that!


Out Of Jersey said...

To be honest, at my age, I'm not exactly the most optimistic in this area of my life.

Kristi B. said...

Cub Rev,
Pessimism in this area is not allowed on my blog! =)

Age is nothing but a number. You're never too old for God to send you a blessing. Read the book!

Out Of Jersey said...

I'm not entirely pessmimistic, I'm optimistically pessimistic, or pessimistically optimistic, depending on the day. It's rare for a romantic.

Katie said...

I like "realisitcally pessimistic in an optimistic state of mind"

bigwhitehat said...

Aint nothin' wrong with a little romance.

BTW thanks for stopping by.

Katie said...

ok all kidding aside, it looks like an interesting read

Kristi B. said...

It really is good, and Logan, it goes along with your message really well.

I don't know what else to say other than, "Read it!"

Tim said...

Great, another book to add to my reading list... but it does sound interesting...

Stephanie said...

I have read this book: it is truly AMAZING!