Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Silly Me!

"And the stupid award of the month goes to...


Guess what I did now. . .

Okay, last night, I get out of my (I keep wanting to say "car" here, but that's not true anymore) Jeep, and I headed up to my front door. My only slight saving grace is the fact that I was on the phone, so I WAS somewhat distracted!

So, my front door was locked, and naturally I reached for my keys.

This is where it gets STUPID. I stood on my front porch, relentlessly mashing the "unlock" button on my remote for my car doors. (Oops. Jeep doors.) I'm drinking my coffee, talking on the phone, and thinking, "Now why isn't the stupid door unlocking?" Ha ha.

Yeah! Way to go, Kristi. Way to be an idiot. I wish you could have seen my face when I finally realized what I was doing!

So why am I sharing this with you? Don't really know. I just thought you might enjoy a laugh at my expense. Now it's my turn to enjoy a laugh.

Share your stupidest moment with me. I can't wait.


Katie said...

Kristi if it makes you feel better I've done the same thing just at work. My office door doesn't like my car clicker either.

Hmmm, I have so many to choose from. A good one is when I stuck my portable phone in my purse instead of my cell phone (about 8 years ago when they were about the same size) and proceeded to try and make a call at a restaurant with it. I got so frustrated that my phone wouldn't work that I passed it to a friend to figure out what was wrong. The look on his face was CLASSIC when he handed it back to me and suggested that it might not be working because it was so far from the base. The sad thing is that I didn't get what he was saying so he had to explain to me I had my portable instead of my cell. Yes the blonde hair is real and yes I have those moments.

Out Of Jersey said...

Now you are definately a cube head, for you just had a cube head moment. Welcome! Now all you need is some ADD and an unhealthy obsession with Doctor Who and you'll be set.

Stephanie said...

hahahaha!! I guess my post WAS timely, wasn't it Kristi! lol

Well, for my "silly moment", I'd have to say it would be the time when I thought that changing in the middle of my office instead of the bathroom would be a good idea.

To read about it, go here:

Yeah. Definitely my most ridiculous moment (lately, anyway. I have stories upon stories from when I was younger!)

Kristi B. said...

Katie, I can't believe you've done the same thing! Your story with the phone is hilarious!!

I think ever since i put blonde highlights in my hair a couple weeks agao, it has really taken root, if ya' know what I mean! =)

Cub Rev, I love it that I'm a cube head now. I think I already have the ADD part mastered.... trust me on that one!

I just went and read that story!!! Hilarious! I used to change clothes a lot while driving (scary, I know). Then, I started realizing that all the big trucker guys could SO see into my car. So, I've pretty much given that up now!

Timothy said...

I think, preaching to my congregation the need to extort one another... instead of exhort one another... It would have worked had my congregation been more Scillian in persuasion. :)

Eddo said...

Oh, I have done that before too!

And just last weekend I was putting stuff away getting ready for a trip and I thought, "Wait, where is my phone?", and I went back to my truck to get it, and when I reached out to open the door, my phone was IN MY HAND! How stupid is that!

Tim said...

Ok, just yesterday while at work I took a shot off of the machine (sorry, can't avoid the work lingo)and went to look at it under the microscope, but my head came down too fast and I bumped my forehead on the lenses. D'OH

One other time at work I was taking hot plastic off of the machine and instead of using metal tongs (as I've done a gazillion times), I reached in with my gloved/bare hand and grabbed the plastic. So I slightly burnt my thumb, index and middle fingers.

FYI, hot plastic coming off of the machine in this case was around 235 degrees celsius... D'OH

Kristi B. said...

You guys have shared some great stories. I don't feel so bad anymore!

Eddo, I have to say that I have been talking on my phone, and when I go to get out of my car, I start searching around desparately for the phone. Then I say to the person I'm talking to, "I can't find my phone." Ha ha. That's when I know I seriously need help.

audrey` said...

I walked straight into the glass door without opening it. Ouch!
It happened at a shopping mall a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

that was funny, kristi! i had a good laugh. i have my share of "stupidity" too. maybe because my mind was off somewhere, i opened our medicine cabinet supposedly to put our groceries there. what was i thinking?!

Elisa said...

I really have no idea which silly moment to pick. I have many, as my husband calls, "Carol Burnett moments."
We were staying in a hotel in the midst of moving my belongings to our new house right after we were married. We were sore from the rental truck bumping its way from North Central Texas to NE Arkansas. So, my husband rented a room with a jacoozi tub for our worn muscles. A bubble bath was a MUST! We had no bubble bath, but I found a small bottle of complimentary hotel shampoo. Thinking it would bubble a little like it does in hair, it would be a good substitute.
It was.
I turned the jets on and climbed in.
It bubbled a little, so I added more shampoo.
It bubbled some more.
Beautiful bubbles.
Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles...
bubbles...more bubbles...
even more bubbles.
I guess what made my husband laugh so hard in the midst of the volumnous erruption of bubbles, was my calm comment "Note to self: don't use a whole bottle of shampoo for bubble bath in a jacoozi bath tub any more!"
I was covered in, you guess it, a pile of bubbles in a matter of seconds. Was it one of those pretty scenes with a woman sitting dimurely in a gorgeous tub of suds? No! I looked more like a Michillin Tire Man, covered in froth.
It continued to bubble out the tub even with the jets off.
Let's just say that the cleaning lady didn't have to mop that floor the next morning.

Kristi B. said...

Audrey, Pia, Beth,
Thanks for your contributions!!
Those are great!

Kc said...

Kristi thanks for the laugh but my award goes to Titus. I want to join his church! ;-)