Monday, August 07, 2006

Middle of the Night Hysteria

I was awakened from a sound sleep Saturday night by a loud "THUD!" and then silence. The clock read 3:09. What in the world was that?

I reached down for my dog who is usually curled up down at the foot of the bed. Not there. I reached down on the floor, and felt her furry body. That's when I started to panic. "Oh no, Cinnamon! No. Please wake up. Move. Do something!" But her body remained limp. I picked her up and started shaking her. (Okay, remember I was half-asleep... so I wasn't fully aware of what was going on, and I probably shook her way too hard and just made it worse, but we don't need to mention that.)

By this time, I was pretty hysterical. "Cinnamon, no, you can't die like this. Everyone's gonna think I kicked you off the bed or something!"

Anyway, I calmed down finally and checked if she was breathing. Yep. Actually, she was even still SNORING. That's right. She fell out of bed, hit the floor, and kept right on snoring. And to think she had me all worried.

I'm just glad no one saw me crying and shaking my poor dog senseless in the middle of the night.


Tim Rice said...

Oh, I can relate. It's so funny reading about it; but not so funny being the person experiencing at that moment. It's not fun to wake up in a panic like that though later I can usually laugh over it when it happens to me.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!! You sleep in the same bed as your wittle dog. That certainly sounds like something women do.

Try not to kick her off the bed anymore you restless sleeper!!

On a serious note, I remember what it was like to find a limp, lifeless puppy among our Golden Retriever liter one day a few years ago. So, I can empathize with your anxiety over the feared loss of a pet.

audrey` said...

Cinnamon is indeed a very deep sleeper.
I'm very glad that both of you are okay :)

Anonymous said...

that was funny! glad both of you are okay. :)

Kc said...

I'm with Pia. Poor Cinnamon! Poor Kristi!

Anonymous said...

Puppy killer