If we were to all judge one another based upon our pasts, who would be qualified to make any accusation?
If we were all to never trust anybody, who would be around to ever give you a second chance?
If we were all always concerned about how things appear to others and what others are thinking, when would we focus on pleasing God?
If we were all at the end of our rope, who would be there to pull us up?
If we were all too scared of being hurt to open up and love, then who would ever love you?
If we were all to see the worst in others, who would ever believe in you and encourage you to do better?
Nobody is perfect. Everyone has ugly things in their past. We are all human. We are here to encourage one another and build them up, not criticize, judge, and tear down. Zacchaeus was a know thief. Did Jesus stay away for fear of being robbed? Or did he show the love of God and help him change? Did Jesus ever preach to protect ourselves from being taken advantage of? Or did He give us a new commandment? Didn't he say if someone smites you on the cheek, to turn the other cheek? Didn't He say if someone takes your coat, to give them your shirt also? Didn't he say if someone asked you to carry their bags one mile, to go ahead and carry them two miles? I don't recall Jesus ever preaching that we have our "rights" or that we need to take matters into our own hands to be sure that we are always treated fairly. People will not always be fair. That's life. We can't let that keep us from loving as Christ loved.
Am I way off-base here? I know I'm not perfect. I don't always treat people as Christ would. It seems as though when i try, however, it is so foreign to people, that they have to see something evil in it, or see me as someone who is naive, and doesn't know that I may get hurt. Oh well! Jesus didn't stop loving because He may get hurt!
God is my protection. If I am doing what He wants, He will be there for me. And His will will be done.
But I must digress. Others feel the need to step in and protect. Others are reading much evil into things, and proportions are way off. There is a reason God has put this person in my path. There is a reason I feel such a burden to show unconditional love. But that reason must go unknown for a while, because others now are hurting and believe my actions to be wrong. I just hope God will reaise up someone else soon to show Christ-like love to a very needy individual.
(Sorry, pops, I know it's not super-happy like you wanted to see.... Keep looking for that one!)
wanting to comment to just let you know that I read this but not really sure what to say
God loves us
He asks us to love Him and to love others
You're strong and wise and more than that you seek wisdom from the right place, I pray that you receive clear direction on what to do next
Very well said, I believe God works in mysterious ways and that he uses tools. I also believe we as Americans need to realize we may be the tool he is using to end the mindless violence in the world today.
Nice post.
We're always here if you need and our prayers are constant.
Christ forgives us of our sins, but human beings are less like to do so.
Love ya sweety.
just letting you know that I came by. That is a truly wise message. Anyone reading you blog would think you're older then 21. Because you have alot more wisdom then many people in their forties or fifty's. God is blessing you for speaking wisdom into other people's lives. I hope that throught pressing into God, that I may also display wisdom like you.
You all are sweet and I appreciate each of you.
Good post. I like what Romans 5:5 says, And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
God looks past our flaws and loves us unconditionally. We too, can love others in that same capacity with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Exactly, Gordon.
Well said, Kristi.
A little love makes a big difference ;]
We love you, Kristi!
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