Thursday, May 11, 2006

One more road trip under my belt!

Five and a half days and 1525 driven (not flown... although some could contest that my driving is quite similar to flying) miles later, I suppose I'm none the worse for wear, and I now have quite a nice tan after only a few hours on Pensacola beach!

I did have a great trip! Thanks for all the well-wishes and prayers for safety and a good time. I was able to catch up with so many friends, and even meet new ones. I managed to navigate through Birmingham, AL during a major thunder/lightning/hail storm, and meet my friend Mary (who I haven't seen in 5 years) for a great BBQ dinner.

I went on to Tuscaloosa and spent a day with Harmony and Trint--good friends from college. They've been married almost 2 years now, and are just as cute as can be!

From there, I headed down to Mobile to meet Kc and Corry, and their daughter Amber. We had so much fun. I was greeted with some wonderful steaks straight off the grill, salad (just the way I like it!), corn on the cob, delicious bread, on and on.... They know how to feed ya' down there, let me just tell you! Oh yeah, and a bag of Reese's peanut butter cups too... can't forget those!

We talked, and chilled, and relaxed. Then Kc got his guitar out and we started jammin'. Okay, not really "jammin" but it was fun anyways! =) And Corry surprised me with a great drawing she did from my profile pic! She's amazing! They took me to Bellingrath gardens the next day, and let me add that God was really gracious with the weather the whole time I was there. The forecast did not look good, but God gave us perfect weather. Anyways, this garden place was absolutely beautiful.

I will post pictures once I see how they turned out. Kc posted some pics on his blog, but I don't have time to do the link-thing now. (What am I talking about?... I don't have time to even be doing this right now, but oh well!)

Anyways, I eventually had to leave these sweet people after such a short visit, and head to Pensacola. My brother's performance in the play was outstanding! He's a natural I guess. But while I was there, I ran into so many other college friends from my infamous days there as a student. I did manage to rip away from all of them long enough to sneak in a few hours alone (well, Cinnamon was with me) at the beach.

Can I just add that Cinnamon (my little dog) made a great travelling companion. I'm glad I decided to bring her with me. She seemed to enjoy it too.

Also got to hear Pastor Schettler (Campus Church in Pensacola) preach again. I really respect and admire him. His ministry has really helped me a lot.

I was able to spend a little time with my brother's girlfriend, Monica, which is always tons of fun! She just informed me that she does read this, but is not able to comment for some reason, so HI! Monica!

On the way home, some good friends of ours were travelling with us until we got to Montgomery. Then they headed north on 65 to 59, and my bro. and I got on 85 north. Well, a couple hours later, they had a flat tire and were stranded in the middle of nowhere. Everything was already closed for the night in the closest little town, and on top of all that the cell phone went dead and they didn't have a charger. Poor guys! Well, we finally heard from them 4 hours later and they said someone had come to help them, and they were back on the road again. Those poor guys! I'm glad they didn't have to stay there all night though.

Anyhow, I'm back at work now. Woo-hoo! I was really enjoying a life of 100% socializing. But, back to reality! Work this summer is going to be even more hectic than predicted, because a guy in my department just resigned. So, the work that is usually split between 3 of us will have to be split between only 2 of us. But, it's okay. We'll get-'er-done!

I'll post pictures just as soon as possible. My digital camera is broken, so it's not quite as easy to get them from the camera to my blog anymore! All in good time.

I can't wait to catch up on what's going on with all of you.



Nephos said...

Good to see you back. Glad you had a fun trip.

Kc said...

Better plan the next trip. We miss you already! ;-)

Corry said...

You thought it was for free, huh?? We expect to be paid in full with a longer stay next time (grin).

God's Grace.

Bobby said...

Glad you had a great time!

Anonymous said...

My last 5 hits were from your site. So I came over to see what was going on. Nothing as far as I can tell. I am glad you had fun, and got to here Jim preach, still one of my favorites. Good ol P'Cola. Aren't dogs fun. Jacki just got a new digital camera so we will no doubt be posting some pics of all of us soon.

Katie said...

glad to hear you had fun

Tim Rice said...

Sounds like you had a great time! You made me hungry when you described the meal KC and Corry gave you. Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm glad you had a good time! And I'm totally envious of that tan. Can't wait to see pics! :)

Tim said...

Glad you had such a good time on your trip. Welcome back, kristi.

Matthew Celestine said...

I am glad you had a great time.

Nunzia said...

that is so awesome! i'm so glad you guys all had such a wonderful time together!