Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Familiarity is quickly exiting to backstage as all manner of unknown, uncertain, unproved, untried, and untested characters prepare to dominate center stage for the next scene in my life. Comfort flees with familiarity and a new guy, Uneasiness, takes up residence as these new and strange surroundings arrive.

The change of caste accompanies a change of places, people, situations, and relationships.
However, the most captivating detail of all is watching the transformations during each scene. Somehow, throughout the course of events and happenings, Doubt morphs into Trust, Uneasiness into Peace, and Unknown into Familiar.

See, this character Constant is a proud fellow. He thinks that if he is not occupying center stage, then Peace, Trust, Hope, Confidence, Comfort, or Joy could not be on stage either. After all, how could Peace be acting along side of Change?

But that is where this all begins to make a little sense. See Constant IS present. No matter how uncertain the future is, what career changes and location changes lie ahead, what people move out of my life, and what new ones move in, no matter how many dreams have not come true, and how many times this heart has been broken, one relationship is always constant. One Person is always present to ensure that yes, peace, trust, hope, confidence, and joy can all be present even while Change occupies a piece of the stage.

How does this work? Because this relationship is with the Director, Jesus Christ, and He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He provides stability in such an uncertain world. He's the One who transforms doubt into trust, uneasiness into peace, and unknown into familiar. The Director alone knows when and how this scene will end, and if it will perhaps be the final. Therefore, a relationship with Him is a must if I am to have any certainty at all about my future.

I think of all the uncertainties looming in the minds of Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Ruth, Mary, Peter, Paul, and John as the play of their lives was being written. But each one of these gave their uncertainties to God and moved by faith.

Yes, Change in many different forms is beginning to take over the stage. Yes, doubt and uneasiness lurk in the shadows. However, I have faith that the Director knows what He is doing, and that brings Peace and Contentment into the limelight as Scene IV unfolds.


Anonymous said...

Why Scene IV? Just curious. What a great post! Even though in the coming months, things will be changing greatly for both of us, I hope we never lose touch. We've been through too much for that to happen! I am so glad that you'll be close by. ;) God just has a way of working things out when we least expect it.

Fulf said...

i enjoyed your creativity Kristi. keep going girl! God always works it out for His glory and our ultimate peace. Isn't it comforting to know that our Sovereign Director has not only chosen us from before the foundation of the world... and He does not only know all of our comings and goings and the number of hairs on our head... but His love purposes to say I will always be with you.

Kc said...

This is a perfect analogy in many respects and a brilliant piece in all respects. We will not, however, allow the brilliance to overshadow the need and we'll be Constant in our prayers. ;-)

Corry said...

What Kc said:-) and I would like to add that you know that the Director will show you what He likes for you to do, give directions and clues and no doubt will even hand you the props that you need:-)

God's Grace.

Anonymous said...

There is really only one important change to make, and that is to join the Director's cast.

I used to have an analogy about playing Basketball in the "King-Dom"e; I like this one equally as well.

steve said...

at least He knows how to direct "Hits"

Bobby said...

Well said.

You're so creative!

Tim Rice said...

Great testimony! One that I need to take to heart in my life. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

"God is the same yesterday, today, and tommorrow."

Your personal blog 'tis becoming interesting, because faith seems to intersect your everyday life. Every believer has their own Cross to bear... and you affirm and realize what is paramount that you can only bear it with God's grace and unequivocal dependence on Him.

In many ways, we have to teach ourselves the Gospel again and again, and set our sights on the promises of God again and again... it's our blessed assurance, our hope, and our light at the end of the tunnel.

Eddo said...

Hey, can you send me your site code, I didn't realize it had a gap in it on the side, it isn't supposed to be doing that, let me fix it for you. :)

Karuna said...

Wow, the Director, thats a nice way of looking at our Living God, who's not on the scenes, but always and always waiting and watching for his players, behind the scenes.

God Bless

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey girl. I just wanted to stop by and say hola. I hope things are going well for you. Let us know whe you are coming back to Texas!!

Kristi B. said...

kinda hard to do that b/c i don't know who you are??? =)

Please identify yourself!

Nunzia said...

wow that was really different but so interesting. loved the way you wrote that! you're very talented!

audrey` said...

The Director is in control.
In God we trust :)