Thursday, December 15, 2005

It's Worth the Wait

How come we have to wait for all good things? Just something I've been thinking about lately...

Nobody likes to wait. Yet, everyone has to in certain situations. We all have to wait in traffic, wait in line, wait for others, wait for the right timing, wait for a good sale, wait in the "waiting room" =) wait, wait, wait.

I planned a division luncheon yesterday at a really good steakhouse--even reserved a table and everything, but we still had to sit and wait for 45 minutes to be seated, and then about 45 more before we got our food. But the food was delicious, let me just tell you!!

Now we could've gone to any "choke-n-puke" we wanted, and not had to wait at all, but the food wouldn't be near as good.

I think waiting for things helps us to appreciate them better.

You wait and wait for the "right person" in your life, and when they come along, you appreciate them more than a person you didn't wait for.

We wait and wait for that parking spot, and next time when there's an open one, we appreciate it more.

We wait for Christmas to come around once a year, and we are appreciative when it does.

My point today simply put is that there are things in life that are worth waiting for.

So, don't complain about waiting; try to find the brighter side. (Okay, I know that sounded really cheesy coming from me, but get over it!)


Kc said...

I'll comment on this tomorrow. (grin)

Kristi B. said...

Making me wait on another good thing, huh??? Not fair! LOL!

Corry said...

Here is an optimistic one(grin):
People spend many years of their lives on waiting.
I read it somewhere but can't recall how many years it was.
Oh well, if I wait long enough it will come back to me, hehe.

God's Grace.

Bill said...

I agree waiting is a good thing. I would like to take it one step further. When we wait on the Lord we ought to wait on the Lord (Like a waiter serving his guest). How may I serve you Lord? Does that make sense? So as we wait for the Lord to provide our next job or spouse or our children, we can wait on him in service. Thank you for being open.

audrey` said...

yeah! waiting upon our Lord.
His timing is always perfect in our lives :)

God bless you.

Professor Jeff said...

I love this blog. I found you through pia blog. I did a google search on the word wait and it appears 215 Million times - put be an important word.

Kc said...

Your attitude and insight are always on target. May God bless you to always be that way Ms. Kristi. ;-)

Ron said...


Great topic, as usual! Thanks for the note, by the way. I want you to know I was greatly encouraged. Now, can we take this topic one step further? If so, I would like to ask one question. How long do we wait?

Anonymous said...

as i always tell KC when i read his posts, this is like a slap on my face AGAIN! i hate waiting. but i must agree that waiting helps us become more appreciative.

i've waited for God's perfect choice for me and when we finally married, i was so thankful i waited. now, i'm on a wating game again and i know that when the waiting is over, our joy will be complete.

thank you for reminding me this. i needed that! God bless.

Kristi B. said...

Thands everyone for adding your thoughts. Our attitude in waiting is something we can probably all improve on as long as we are on this earth waiting to go home to heaven!

Ron, how long do we wait? Interesting question. I suppose if it is something good that we are waiting for, something that we know God would want, then we should never stop waiting and praying...for instance--for someone to be saved, for others to get right with God.

But, when it is just a desire or want of ours, and we are just trying to work things out on our own, I believe there is a time we should let go of it, and move on with our lives, leaving the results in God's hands. If God really wanted that thing or person or whatever for you, He will work it out in His time. But we can't put our whole life on hold to wait for something that we are not sure if it's God's will or not.

I don't know if that makes sense. I'm definitely no authority on it, but those are my thoughts. Interesting you brought that up, because I just wrote something last night about letting go of a desire. I will post it today.

Anonymous said...

Since the Lord recently answered a huge prayer request of mine, I've observed something I thought might be an encouragement. It seems really easy for those who already know who they're going to spend the rest of their life with to say that waiting on the Lord is worth it...and it is, but sometimes we forget those who are still in the waiting process. It breaks my heart sometimes, and I wish I could just tell them everything's going to work out. Sure, things are going great with me, but I hope so much for the other person to have what I have. Oftentimes in our own happiness, we forget those who feel like they're forgotten by God. May during this Christmas season we be busy sharing the good news of Christ and be thankful for what we do have. And for those who have not found that "one" yet, may you be comforted to know that we who have, have been where you are now and understand how you feel. And more importantly God knows and understands; and He ALONE can fill every longing of your heart, not that "one." I haven't forgotten about you and neither has He. I care for you and pray for you daily. Love to all!

Katie said...

Kristi - waiting is hard but worth it in the end, too bad we don't realize that until after we waited. Good words here girl, you're a wise one.

Nunzia said...

you hit the nail on the head here.