Sunday, December 04, 2005

Saturday Night

Rumbles of thunder outside seem to add to the overall forboding feelings of the night. The house is deathly quite. As I reach back to rub my aching neck, and adjust the pillows for my back, scenes from last night flash through my mind again for what seems the hundredth time…


It was about 6:30 p.m. Darkness had settled over about 45 minutes previously. The on and off rain of the day had settled into a light drizzle. I had been running around all day, and still had several things left to do before I could call it a day.

Early that morning, I went to hand out Christmas greetings with others from my church at the big, downtown Columbia parade. I then had to replace a taillight in my car, and set up a time to get my front brake pads replaced. Next, I went to visit and spend time with my Sunday School kids, and make sure they were going to get up the next morning and ride the bus. I was late to go vacuum the church sanctuary, and then went directly to another parade to hand out more Christmas greetings. I was leaving the church to go meet my friend Dahlia and get a bite to eat before I met this guy to fix my breaks.

“What is all this traffic from?” I wondered.
“Oh, yeah, that living Christmas story at the Methodist Church….I wish they would think of a way to avoid all this congestion of cars. I’ve got places to go. I need to get down to the light so I don’t have to turn left at that dangerous intersection without a light…. Oh, good, I can cross here and go down to the light.”

Meanwhile, there was a driver behind me going through the same predicament. However, she did not see the opening to get down to the light, so she continued straight and would chance the dangerous intersection.

“Okay, great, green light, I’m good to go.”

“CRASH!!!” ‘AAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” “I’m spinning in a circle. I have no control. My eyes are burning. It stinks in here. Oh, no, somebody’s gonna hit me from behind, and it’s over. I’m so dead.” I braced myself, waiting for the impact from behind, but thank the Lord, it never came.

“Okay, Kristi, pull it together. Where’s your phone? Call somebody. Can you get out of your car? Why won’t the horn quit honking? Where did that car come from? I’m SSOOOO MAD! I don’t want to go through this again. Not another car totaled!! Calm down. Get out of the car. Good. Okay, see if the other girl is okay. See if the police are on their way. Call Dahlia. Guess I won’t be needing that brake job!!”

Everyone was okay. We filled out the police report. The other driver was at fault. It was the driver that had been following me previously, but didn’t see how to get down to the traffic light. She never saw me coming.

I shed a few tears as my car was being towed away.

The adrenaline was starting to wear off, and I was really starting to hurt, but insisted I was fine and did not need to go to the hospital. I’m finally getting something to eat. My phone rings again. My head is starting to feel a little groggy…
“Hey, Kristi. Are you okay?”


“When did the accident happen?”

“Sometime last year…”
What did I just say?

“Kristi, it couldn’t have happened last year… Are you SURE you’re okay?”

“Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking, hon.”
Wait a minute. Hon??? What AM I thinking. I don’t ever call people hon. Especially a man from my church…

“Kristi, I think you should go to the doctor.”

“Yeah, okay. I’m fine really. I gotta go.”

Dahlia takes me home, insisting the whole time I should go get checked out. But I’m pretty stubborn. “What’s the doctor gonna do, Say, “yeah, you’re hurting. It’ll be that way for a few days, then you’ll be better’?”

I’m at home, trying to explain what happened when I start talking about the airbag…or tried to, at least. Instead of saying “my airbag”, I say “my facemask”.
What? Where did that come from? I think my mind is just in shock or something. Things are just not coming out right. And what is that awful pain in my mouth and that burning feeling on my leg?

Well, my mom gives me no choice but to go to the doctor, so I’m back out the door.

The doc takes some x-rays, says I have bruised muscles in my back and a slight head injury. He gave me a pain pill prescription, and general instructions that I’d be feeling bad for a few days.

After I got home again, I realized that the burning feeling on my leg was an actual burn from the friction created by the airbag.

I woke up this morning feeling like a train wreck, (well, at least a car wreck! Ha ha). My neck was sore from whiplash, and my back just plain hurt. I also discovered what the pain was in my mouth as I went to brush my teeth. During the impact, I had apparently taken a chunk out of my tongue. No lie. You can see clearly where it’s missing, and there’s a little piece hanging down. GROSS! Yeah, I know. No wonder it hurts so bad!


I stayed home all day from church wondering if my Sunday School kids missed me. I hope so. I missed them.

When I go to get all of my “stuff” out of my car, I’ll try to take a few pictures for you all. It’s pretty banged up.

Count your blessings this season. We are truly blessed just to have each other around!


Tim said...

Thank goodness you are okay!! Guardian angels working overtime for you this weekend, absolutely.

Man I hate car accidents - and I've been in many. Though with my luck I would have had my brakes done, paid for the work and THEN got into the accident...

I'm sure your Sunday School class will understand your absence.

steve said...

Hey K

Man I am soooo glad that you are ok. I will be praying for you and a speedy recovery.

Does this mean I haev to write a carwreck song also?? ;-)

Get well soon.

Kc said...

Kristi I'm so sorry this happened to you. You know we'll pray for your quick recovery in all ways.

May God bless you.

Corry said...

Girl, I am so grateful you are ok! Sorry you had to go through this and I have no clue what the reason for it would be but God does. We will pray for a quick recovery in all, as Kc mentioned above.

On a lighter note, aren't you glad you had all those burgers before you bit your tongue:-)?

God's Grace.

Corry said...

That last was intended to tickle your funny-bone and help to cheer you up a little:-)

God's Grace.

Joe said...

We trust that you will soon be up and runing again and that all will be well. We're praying for you.

Katie said...

Hey Kristi - got here via Steve, so sorry to hear about your wreck, prayers for a quick recovery and freedom from all that pain (been there and it isn't fun at all).

Oh and love the lyrics for the wedding song, your a gifted writer

Kristi B. said...

Thanks everybody! I really appreciate all the prayers. Today is a really sore day, but I think I'll be back to normal quickly.

Steve, I'm interested to hear what a car wreck song would sound like!!!

Corry, you made me laugh so hard, it hurt!!! =)

Anonymous said...

Sounds terrible (the accident), glad you're doing better. Prayers and good wishes to you!

I got here via Steve at Following God's Will.

Anonymous said...

Take it slow even when you start to feel like you can do it all again. I'll be praying a speedy recovery for you and the car or a new car. Kari

(P.S. Here via steve and thanks for letting him put your words to music it was beautiful. )

Bill said...

I am so sorry that you had to experience this. I praise God that you walked away from the accident. If there is anything I can do, please let me know....


jbb said...

car crashes are so scary im really sorry. but at least you finally went to the doctor. i hope you feel better soon and ill be sure to pray for you. be sure to take it slow and remeber god has a plan even if its hard to see. ^-^

Anonymous said...

hey girl! i am glad you are ok. I dont know what i would do without my east coast corispodent. i do have to say though you are quite an author, i was on the edge of my seat as i read the story. from the first line you got my attention. talk to you later.

ps take a picture of your tongue, just joking.


Anonymous said...

corespondent, woah i spelled that wrong. josh

Ron said...

Hey Kristi,

I pray that you are better now! I appreciate your writing, and the blogging world is a better place because of your words! Get whole soon!

Anonymous said...

glad you're ok. praying for you...

Ron said...


I am following a lesson I have learned from your blog, and I wrote on an experience I had earlier this week. I will look forward to your thoughts on it!

Anonymous said...

kristi, so glad you are o.k. I'm praying for your complete recovery. I'm glad you went on to the dr. confusion after an accident could mean trauma to the head. (I'm a nurse) found your site through kc. he's great! I had an accident similar to yours. the vehicle i was in was spinning around and around. when it stopped another vehicle crashed into me and the front of mine ended up in my lap. talking about gaurdian angels, they had to be all over me. I had a bloody face! thats all! can you imagine. no damage to my body at all. Isn't God amazing?? I thank him that you are not hurt. hope you recover nicely. my prayers to you. a friend in Christ,
Zina terry

Unknown said...

So scary! I am so glad you're okay.

I was hit once, broadsided, then dragged into oncoming traffic & hit head on.

So I totally know the fear, and the pain. I'm so glad you went to the Dr.

At least you don't have to get new brakes, eh? ;o)


Kristi B. said...

You all are too kind. Hope I can return the blessings sometime.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! I know this is a bit late, but I want you to know that I love you and I am thankful that you are doing okay. I have the best sister in the world, and it's really scary to think about losing her... I can't even think about it. Sometimes being so busy and so far away I don't keep in touch as much as I should, but I do love you always! You're doing great job in everything that you do. KR