Friday, May 19, 2006

She's Da Dawg!

So, Cinnamon suddenly decides she's gonna take it upon herself to be tough Little Miss Guard Dog! She has made it her duty to protect me from anything and everything that seems even a tad bit out of the ordinary. Ha ha ha. (I get such a kick out of this--cuz she's so tiny, ya' know, but she thinks she's really tough. Sorta reminds me of me!)

The other morning, I took her outside as usual to take care of business. As I do, there's a man going for a morning run out in the street. Cinnamon bolts like lightning, tail tucked, ears back, racing after this guy, and starts barking it up. (I've only heard her bark one other time, and it was a little, quiet bark, so naturally, I was really surprised!)

I called her back to me, and she comes struttin back, holding her head high and proud, with the look on her face like, "Aren't you proud of me? Look what I did! I chased that man so far; he won't ever bother you again. I just protected you from sure death or other countless, horrible things. There's no telling what he might have done. Did you see how fast I ran, and how scary my bark was? Yeah, I know, I'm sooo good! I'm DA DAWG, YO!"

Okay, so maybe the look didn't say ALL that, but you get the point!

Anyways, last night I decide to do some sit-ups and push-ups before I go to bed, since I haven't been at the gym, and I'm starting to notice it! So, I get down on the floor and start doing some sit-ups. Cinnamon comes over, and starts looking at me like I've lost my mind!

After about 10 sit-ups, she'd had enough of whatever these weird movements were I was doing. So she puts her front two feet on my chest and pushes me back down to the ground. Then she procedes to climb on top of me and stand on all fours just daring me to try to sit up again. She glared at me like, "I will NOT have you hurting yourself. I didn't let that man hurt you, I don't let anyone hurt you, and I definitely won't have you hurting yourself!"

How can I say no to that? So, as much as I wanted to keep doing sit-ups, and as much as it just killed me to stop, I decided for her peace of mind, I would have to, just this once until she gets used to me doing sit-ups!

Have a great weekend, y'all!


Luke said...

lol. Great stories. I can just picture it. Thanks for the laugh.

Anonymous said...

Zwingli and Saige protected Jacki and I from an old Walmart sack that was blowing in the wind the wind the other night. When I went over and grabbed the bag they both ran. They are very funny. Just a couple of weeks ago they were letting me know that if I go outside I needed to watch out for the shadow f the flag pole, our flag pole. I love hearing stories of Cin, they make me glad for Zwingli and Saige.

Corry said...

That is so cute! I just can't picture her doing that. She was so well behaved and quiet.

Mia always barks her head off to strangers and acts so tough, but as soon as they take a step in her direction, she takes off and acts tough from a distance. Some guard-dog, hahaha.

God's Grace.

Bobby said...

I love that she was trying to protect you from yourself.

Anonymous said...

Have a good weekend. God bless you and that crazy dog of yours :-)

Kc said...

Mia is just the opposite. I have to prove someone is safe by sacrificing myself before she will go near them...unless food is involved of course. If you give food you are good by default. ;-)

Tim Rice said...

Neat stories! Dogs can be so cool! Enjoy!

Gordon said...

In the words of Bear Bryant, "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."

This was really funny.

Godwyn Lim said...

Heart warming post:-) You have a great company!

God Bless, Have a good week ahead!

Anonymous said...

that is just so cute, kristi. =)

Bill said... have you been....?

kdoll aka *~Puzzle~* said...

your dog sounds sooooo cute!!! My dog is cute too. My family take turns of who gets her in our rooms at night and when she's not in my room one night, then she nudges my door open with her nose or scratches until my mum opens my door for her. Then she runs and jumps onto my warm and furry bed and snuggles up to me and goes to sleep. She's so cute. I think she likes my blanket. Except sometimes it makes it harder to get up and get ready for work. She's so cute! I hope God will allow for my dog to go to heaven.

audrey` said...

Cinnamon is so brave and loyal :)