Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The little things are HUGE

Okay, so I could complain today about how I didn't have "my space" this morning while getting ready for work. I could complain about leaving my cell phone at home, and having to turn around and get it, and therefore be stuck in gobs of traffic and be late to work. (yes, I said "gobs.") I could complain about how I forgot my hydrocortizone cream, and have had no relief for my itching poison oak today because of it. I could complain that my little dog broke my heart this morning by audibly crying when I shut the door and left her all alone... twice (because I had to go back for the phone, remember?) I could complain that my lunch plans fell through, or that work is being a butt, or that I can't afford to put gas in my Jeep.

BUT I'M NOT GOING TO. Nope. I'm not going to complain about any of that.

You know why? Because something really small made up for all those things. I was attempting to balance my checkbook (on a side note: you know, it's kind of scary that I'm responsible for balancing the books for the agencies of the whole state, and yet I can't seem to balance my own.)
So anyways, my online account kept saying I have more money than my register says I have. After going through months of records, I finally found where I had subtracted a deposit instead of adding it. DUH! Anyways, it made my day. Because, now instead of just adding the $60.00, I get to add $120.00 because I had originally subtracted it. Woo-hoo. It's like getting paid, except I really didn't get paid.

The smallest things are the biggest, I tell ya!


Anonymous said...



Luke said...


Kristi B. said...

Very true pops! Randy and Luke, thanks for stopping by again!

Corry said...

God always has great timing:-)

I hope you will get some relief soon from the itching.
Mental note: Kristi needs her space in the morning. Make sure to check she's got her cell-phone when she leaves and have some cans of gas in storage and keep her away from poisoned ivy!

So, now that you "feel" rich, try not to spend it all on Starbucks (grin).

God's Grace.

Kc said...

All that cash and looks too *wink* (hehe)

I'm glad you erred in your favor. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had a puppy. Did I? How long? Well I am glad Zwingli doesn't do the cry thing, that would hurt. I did get upset when I had to leave him at the Vet so he could get snipped, I hated it. The great thing is that when I come home is usually asleep in my chair. Kinda like your shoe story, dogs are great!

Katie said...

that is a great suprise and the little things are huge because of the effect they have on us

Gordon said...

Hey, would you mind balancing my checkbook for me? If you can do that with mine I will split the profit with you.

Tim Rice said...

When you have to look for mistakes, those are neat mistakes to find. :)

Bethany said...

we're supposed to balance our checkbooks?

audrey` said...

I'm so happy for you.
You managed to balance your checkbook :)

Unknown said...

Hey, I stumbled across your blog from a comment you posted on Godwyn's.

I can't believe you used the word "Gobs"! That was the all-purpose word my mom used for any significant number. Whew! Flashback to childhood!

Great post. God majors in the minors so that we don't have to.
