Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A Little Sum'um Sum'um

In case anyone was curious, just wanted to put it out there, that it's NOT all gravy and glam working at the state capital.

There's this little thing called traffic that tends to get in the way every once in a while, even when the commute in is only 14.8 miles.

I spent 2 hours this morning on JUST 7 of those 14.8 miles. Ridiculous.

Anyhow, I'm one who tends to get bored when I stay in the same place for too long. So with that being said,

I'm moving!!!!!

Well, not physically, (yet), but my blog is moving. I'm bored with this template, so I'm going to try out a wordpress, at Adam's urging.

It's not ready yet, but just wanted to let you all know that it's coming. I've got to figure out how to get my coffee cups over there, because I'm really gonna miss those. I love 'em.

I'll keep you posted on the progress. For now, you can check it out here, but don't get too used to that link, because the URL is probably going to change again before all this is said and done.

Have a great day.

Catch ya' on the flip side! I'm out!


Timothy said...

Why? Not sure I see the point. Give us some reasoning... the only reason I would do that is if I could make it a part of my church's web page... can you do that?

What are the advantages? Curious questions

kdoll aka *~Puzzle~* said...

That's the site for blog togs. Sorry I linked it wrong.

steve said...

I wont follow and you cant make me. Tired of changing my blogroll!

Tim said...

kristi: you mean a real physical moce is in your future, and not just a blog move (redesign)??

Looking forward to seeing it.

Kc said...

Good luck with the Wordpress. I'm going to try and pres out some words here in bloggerville soon. ;-)

Kristi B. said...

Titus, here are the reasons:

You can categorize your posts for easy reference.
You can create as many pages as you want.
You're automatically moved to the top of the Google search list.
It looks cleaner and it's easy to keep up and update and such.

Steve, I can't make you follow me, but you KNOW you can't resist!! You'll follow in secret 'cuz you just can't stay away!! You can't fool me!

Green, yes, I am trying to move soon!

Kc, thanks.

Tey, I found that site. Thanks.

Katie said...

ok so the great exodus to wordpress is really taking over, guess I'll be following Kristi all over the internet

steve said...

So the most important thing is to be on top of a google search list?

Kristi B. said...

yeah, Katie. Basically. Actually, I found this deal where you can change your URL, but your old one is automatically redirected there without having to change links or click here or click there. I may just do that.

We'll see. I also contacted this person who said she could make me a little coffee shop template. So if I like that one, I will probably stay right here.

Yes, Steve. Didn't you know that being at the top of the Google list was the end-all, be-all of the 21st century?

jbb said...

yo yo yo. just wanted to say hey and i loved the poem you wrote a few days ago. i havent posted anything out of my journal but i did just write a new one. anyways stay in touch and stay safe. oh and maybe you should start taking the bus around. (accidents, traffic, theft, ect.) ^-^


Anonymous said...

Ah, yes. Traffic. Although I love living in the back woods of Northern New Hampshire, I miss Atlanta quite a bit. One aspect I don't miss are the hour commutes to get 10 miles.

audrey` said...

I'm so excited for you =D

Anonymous said...

whatever will make you comfy, i'll support you. i don't mind changing your link in my page. =)

Nate said...

Ah good old Columbia SC! Hot, dirty, nasty, and busy! You gotta love it.....maybe?