Thursday, March 23, 2006

Another Thursday Thirteen.

Time for another Thursday Thirteen. This time, we'll do thirteen things I have been putting off...

  1. 1. Going to get Starbucks.... It seems like it's been FOR-EVAH!

  2. 2. Paying my property taxes on my Jeep. Okay, well, it's like $480 bucks, and I lost the bill, so now I don't know how to get it paid, and I'm not in that big of a hurry to lose $480 bucks.

  3. 3. Getting out my spring and summer clothes. Just when I think it's time, we have another cold front come through, and I'm back in my jackets and sweaters.

  4. 4. Visiting my sister. She's lived up in Newfoundland, Canada for a long time now, and wants me to visit. It's just so far and so cold and so expensive and I think I might get bored there. I dunno.

  5. 5. Learning guitar. No excuse here. I tried a little bit and grew discouraged, although I still have a strong desire to learn more and get better at it.

  6. 6. Going to the gym. My membership expires at the end of this month (I think), and I've only been like once or twice all month. I don't think I'm going to renew it. Too many other responsibilities have popped up. And I used to be so dedicated and faithful at it. Oh well.

  7. 7. Buying a new black purse. The purse that got stolen a while ago was my black one. I just haven't found another cute one that I really like yet.

  8. 8. Getting rid of some of my credit cards. I pay them off, and think I won't use them again, but something always comes up. Next time I pay them off, I need to cut them up....but I'm putting that off--that's what this is all about!

  9. 9. Buying curtains or valances or whatever for my windows. I re-did my room several months ago, and never bought new curtains. Pretty sorry of me.

  10. 10. Finding out what's wrong with my camera, or else buying a new one. I'm dying to show you all pictures of Cinnamon, but the quality of pics on my phone is just not good enough to show you her cuteness.

  11. 11. Calling back friends who have left messages, but I know they will want to talk for hours, and I just don't care to talk that long.

  12. 12. Clearing up an incorrect charge that was posted to my bank account. I just don't have the patience right now to deal with it.

  13. 13. Cleaning my bathroom. Yeah, it totally needs it. Maybe I'll do that tonight.


Corry said...

Oh, do I know! We finally started attacking a list like that. I think I'll make the rest of it a "honey-do"-list (grin).

God's Grace.

Kc said...

[sigh]I should've known[/sigh]

(okay now the truth, she does ten times what I do around here, shhhh!) ;-)

These list are so revealing!

Luke said...

Nasty bathrooms are...well...nasty. I wish you luck in your endeavor. :)

Gordon said...

Hey Kristi, I can procrastinate on twice as many things as you can.

Kristi B. said...

Corry--sounds like a plan!! =)

Kc, have fun workin that list. We'll understand if your blogging slows down a bit! he he

Luke, c'mon now... I didn't say it was "nasty"... it just needs to be cleaned! =)

Gordon, Ok, let's see that list of 26! I'm waiting.... oh, wait, are you procrastinating??

Katie said...

ugh I don't think I even want to make a list like this myself because it would be looooong

although number 3 and 13 sound familiar

Bobby said...

I'd particularly encourage you in your guitar playing.

But that's just me ...

Nunzia said...

ah i can think of 26 things at least i've been putting off!

Tim said...

I'll bet I could make up a list similar to yours, however, being a procrastinator - I'll do it later...

audrey` said...

Remember to close the windows before you change your clothes =P

Stephanie said...

you're funny! I can relate to soooo much of this list that it's kind of scary!

Summer said...

I found your blog doing a Proverbs 31 Blog search--come check out my challenge for women:

And good luck getting your list of 13 things done (13 is 31 backwards!)

BTW--your blog is gorgeous too!

Anonymous said...

I like this, very funny. I am all about putting off learning the guitar. I think a friend of mine if letting me borrow his guitar sunday. I will start learning umm...monday. :) maybe

kdoll aka *~Puzzle~* said...

that's a good list.