Thursday, September 15, 2005

Life's Moments were meant to be Shared.

Sharing Moments

Sunrise on the beach...
Lazy Saturday afternoons
Feet dangling over the pier
View from a mountaintop
City skyline lit up at dusk
Hearts beating madly in love
Taking a hand and saying I Do
Sleeping around a campfire
First glimpse of your baby boy
Laying your loved one to rest
Taste of freshly-baked pie
First kickoff of the season
Church on Sunday morning
Fingers interlaced in prayer
The doctor's bad news
Fireworks on Independence Day
Leaves changing colors in the fall
Christmas carols and hot chocolate
Midnight swims

Playing with your kids
Quiet times alone at night
Looking in the eyes of the one you love
Mom's good ole cookin'
Holiday gatherings
Helping a hurting family
...Sunset on the beach

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome, Kristi! You sure painted a beautiful picture of the precious moments of life that God gives us EVERY day! This really has helped me to think about the little things that make up our days instead of concentrating on what's not there in the big picture. You're a great friend, and thanks for sharing so many great moments with me! :)