Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ultimate Triumph

I cannot wait for the day when the devil has his head crushed by Jesus Christ. He ruins so many lives. He blinds so many eyes. He uses sin to take so cause so many Christians to stumble over and over again in their walk with God. He tells so many lies. I am sick of him!!! My Jesus is so much more powerful than he. Jesus is loving and kind and truthful and wants my best. So why do we have such a struggle of who to listen to when it's so obvious Who we should listen to?? I have earnestly started praying for "Thy kingdom to come". I should have been praying this all along. Now I see how important it is. Can you imagine the sound of the praises in heaven when that old serpent, the devil, the prince of the powers of this world is finally and ultimately defeated? Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

Corry said...


Great post:-)

God's Grace.