Thursday, October 20, 2005

Off and Running Again

Well, I head to Dallas in the morning. I still don't feel like I've recuperated from last weekend's adventures. All these weekend trips should end sometime soon....well, probably not till after the holidays, but that's okay. It's fun, and I'm single, so I'm allowed to travel all over, right?

Anyways, as always, I'll post pictures when I return.

I've added a link for the Prayer List in my sidebar. Feel free to go there and add any burdens on your heart, so other believers can be praying for you. And don't forget to pray for the other requests mentioned while you are there.

Talk to you all Monday.

Oh and for those of you who are too lazy to read the prayer list, keep my church's Sunday services in your prayers. We are having a big evangelistic outreach service, and are praying for many souls to be saved. Thanks.


Corry said...

Thanks for the link. Have a great time and remember...behave(grin).

We will keep you and your request in our prayers.

God's Grace.

Nunzia said...

Thank you so much for your encouraging words on my blog. It means a lot. God bless you!