Friday, October 28, 2005

Weekend of catching up

For the first time in quite a while, I actually am staying home for the weekend! Hopefully I will get to catch up on some much-needed beauty rest!! I'm going to relax and get some things done at home that have been screaming for my attention for quite some time--practicing music, cleaning, paying my bills, putting summer clothes away and breaking out the winter ones! =)

I hope everyone has a good and profitable weekend! Let's decide to honor God as much as we possibly can on this weekend where everyone else is honoring Satan, witchcraft, death, and horror. Pray for protection of God's people. That's all I'm going to say. Thanks.


Corry said...

You don't need it for your beauty (neither outward nor inward) but I am glad you get some time to yourself. I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful weekend yourself.

Your request is taken into our prayers.

God's Grace.

Leesa said...


Interesting blog. Not sure that trick-or-treaters are honoring Satan, but I understand the point. Part of the reason that All Saints Day (and later All Soul's Day) was added to the calendar was to suplant other secular holidays that seemed less Christian.

Nunzia said...

I'd wish you a Happy Halloween, but that would not be appropriate.. plus I don't celebrate either :) Hope you have a blessed weekend!

Kristi B. said...

Thanks for the comments! Leesa, I am not saying that trick or treat-ing or dressing up, or harmless fun little parties are honoring Satan. But, so much of what goes on during Halloween beyond all the "innocent" kid stuff is definitely Satan worship, and all kinds of atrocities related to that. So I do not judge anyone who chooses to celebrate by trick or treat-ing or dressing up. I personally just choose not to celebrate at all. Thanks for visiting!

Josh, I do have only 2 pictures, and they're not the best, but I will send them to you from work on Monday. And thanks for thinking I'm a "way cool friend." You are too! Now, you have to come to my wedding!!! =)

jbb said...

kristi thanks for another encouraging comment. it really helped guide me to my big 100. and id love it if you linked me. some times i go days with out comments! lol but either way thank you again and god bless