Friday, August 26, 2005

Does Family Mean Anything to You?

How does a person become SO selfish, that family actually degresses into nothingness? And I'm referring to extended family members as well as immediate. I understand there are times when family members don't get along and don't share the same views on life. But, despite that, we still love them--they're family! (And by the way, I am talking about believers who know the Word of God; I wouldn't expect the lost to be unselfish--although many of them put we Christians to shame on this point.) Yet someone can become so absorbed in himself, that he doesn't realize that family is there and should mean something to him. This person I'm making reference to whines, and pouts, and complains constantly that his family doesn't want to be around him, and doesn't care about him. Well, HELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO! Maybe if he started showing for just one instant that his family was actually important to him, they might want him around! Maybe if he started showing love to someone other than himself, they would begin to love him back. I just don't get it. Family is really big to me. I don't understand how someone could not care about family. Sorry. I'm really frustrated. . . . .with my dad.


Anonymous said...

Family is VERY important to me too, but unfortunately mine is somewhat disfunctional like many others out there. That's why someday, if the Lord so wills, I want to build a family for Him that knows and loves Him and shows that through their service to others. It's so hard sometimes to want something so good like that because having to wait for it is like waiting for air in a closed space. But God is faithful, and He gives us exactly what we need at exactly the right time. Don't be discouraged! God is still working despite the many things we see Satan trying to do to destroy that work. I love ya, girl! :)

Anonymous said...

I guess There is only one thing I can say, JUST HANG IN THERE and PRAY. Ill be praying for you. Dont let something as mindless as your dad or fam.get ya.You know, most of the time satan uses beleiving familly members to discourage. To you, it should be important to have familly back your decisionsinstead of destroying them. God allows people like them to make you learn something. If it seems that its always the same and routine... then there is a problem. Not with your familly, But WITH YOU!! There is something that you have learned in the past on how to deal with a problem like this... like many! But...
The truth is, that that way is not the way that God wants you to deal with it... the way you think you know and learned then.. is wrong .. you NEED TO UNLEARN IT and PRAY and ask GOD for wisdom and not your own.. God wants you to learn something through this for whats coming up ahead.. maybe better maybe worse.. but if you stay upon Jehova and unlearn the learned and let GOD teach you the way.... YOUR HEART WILL FULLY BLESSED bringing hope, peace and rest.. Love you.
Battling for Christ,
Phil. 1:6

Kc said...

Kristi I was blessed reading your comments on Adam’s blog so I came here to tell you so. I read your post and now my heart aches for you all. I hope what I offer here might help.

Things are not always what they seem and often the words someone says are used to divert from their real feelings of fear and inadequacy. I can’t know what your father actually believes but that is what it comes down to; what he believes about himself, his place in the family and how well he’s filled that place. Perhaps it might help if instead of discussing his feelings, which are often invalid, you help him uncover his beliefs on these matters. Maybe then he could identify what he would change if he could, and more importantly, that there are things only he can change.

May God bless you, your father and your family. I will pray for you all.

Kristi B. said...

Thanks everyone for the encouragement! I appreciate the kind words. Kc, thanks for reading and commenting. I visited your blog, and it was a real blessing. I love all the discussions on soteriology!