Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Devilish Thoughts

The Devil is really invading my thoughts today. He has me thinking some very depressing things. "There is nothing promising in your future except for death." "What you are doing today is not even helping to build anything promising for you." "All your work and labor in the ministry is useless." "Why do you even care what God thinks of your life?" AAAAHHHHH!!! Get OUT! Lord, help me to cast down these thoughts from the Wicked One and to remember all the blessings and promises I have because I am Your child!


Kristi B. said...

I just noticed how well this post goes with my "Korner Verse" of the day! Check it out in the sidebar (if you are reading this on 8/23).

Anonymous said...

Satan absolutely loves to do that too! Remember this verse: "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." I Cor. 15:58 Satan is so good at knowing our weaknesses and going right after them to try to discourage us from staying faithful to our Heavenly Father who has ALWAYS been faithful to us. Hang in there! Also remember that Jesus said, "My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness." II Cor. 12:9 Some other words for sufficient are enough, adequate, plenty, ample and satisfactory. The grace that Jesus bestows is all that and more! :)

Kristi B. said...

Josh tried to post this response while my settings were messed up, so I copied and pasted from his blog:

Tuesday, August 23, 2005
if you are anything like me at all, you feel like you are crap most of the time. well my friend kristi is going through that right now. and she made an entry on her site talking about that. well i tried to respond to that post on her site but for some reason wasnt able to. so here is my responce. [disclaimer: i am the worlds worst speller, so sound it out]
"the interesting thing is that the devil is right. death is so promising. oh what glorious thought, the thought of being united with my savior. where gravity can no longer hold me back from hugging my Jesus, what a great God, our Jesus. life is nothing compared to the great knowledge of meeting my Friend. oh how true it is that nothing i do builds anything for the future. and i am glad! Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe! my worth, my value, my being is wrapped up in the work He does and the blessing He graciously chooses to pour on me - a worm. all the work i labor for in the ministry would be useless. if it hadnt been for the resurrection morning. when Jesus, my oldest brother. the first born over all creation. took hell and the grave and you satan, and beat you and humiliated you. who do you think you are? going against the almighty Creator of heaven and of earth. He created you and through Him you are sustained. dont forget satan. that although you are right! that i am a dog and everything i do is like filthy rags, dont you forget that although death for me as a Christian (one who identifies with the atonening work of Christ) is far better than life. dont you forget that you are in a far worst state than i. you will be thrown into the lake of fire and there you will for ever be. so you ask, why do i even care what God thinks of my life. here is your answer...because when God looks at me He sees His precious Son. and that is why HE cares! that is why I care. that is why you should re-evalute who it is you are whispering to, I am a child of the King and you would do well to remember that!"