Friday, December 30, 2005

Whatever you do, do it with Passion!

Can you handle this??? Two serious posts in a row! Completely out of character for me, I know...but oh, well. The new year is all about changes, right?

Well, since I brought THAT up, here is my goal for 2006:

I want to have a deeper passion about everything I do this year.

A friend of mine got me to thinking about passion a few weeks ago, and I haven't stopped. You know, passion belongs in every area of our lives, not just our love life(s). (just kidding about the "lifes") ha ha. But seriously, I found this definition for passion--"boundless enthusiasm". Shouldn't we as Christians have boundless enthusiasm in all that we do?

It's one thing to just go through life, and do what you're supposed to do. It's another thing to go through life LOVING what you do; being enthusiastic about it; having a burning desire for it.

Here's some areas I'd like to develop more passion in:
  • Pleasing God instead of others
  • Making progress in musical efforts
  • Prayer and Bible reading
  • Loving others
  • Working with my group of bus kids
  • Writing
  • The lost
  • Watching/letting God work in my life
  • Applying myself at my job
  • Friendships
  • Encouraging/helping others
  • Regular gym attendance (I have really been slackin' lately)
  • Driving safely =)~

Just had to throw the last one in there to see if you were still paying attention!!

I hope God gives you all a great and passionate 2006!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Hope and Contentment

Lately, I have recognized a problem in my way of thinking. What it boils down to is that I have lost hope. (Well, if you know me at all, or have read much here, you can probably guess what hope that is!!!) I started feeling that it was disillusional of me to really believe that there is a great guy out there who loves the Lord, who wants to serve Him, who would love me, who would get along with my family, who would pass my pastor's approval, I mean, this is all a bit much to ask and expect, right? Shouldn't I just settle for what I can get? Superman is already taken, right? God wouldn't want me to wait around in some fantasy world, hoping for this dream man to come my way, would He?

I noticed with this loss of hope, also came a loss of contentment. Nothing was going right. There was something wrong with everything and everyone. Life was just a pain-filled existence while waiting to go to Heaven.

Well, last night, what would I come across, other than some notes I had taken from
Dr. Jim Schettler in college? And what were these notes? Two definitions:

Hope--stedfast confidence in God's sovereign care for my future

Contentment--the faith that God owns, controls, and provides everything in my life by His love.

These definitions are packed full of truth. And they are exactly the things that I need to put back into my life. God IS going to provide His absolute best for me, because He loves me. The same is true for all of God's children. Just have faith and let Him work and do what He wills in your life. Don't lose hope. Why should we? God hasn't lost His sovereign care for us. He hasn't stopped loving us.

And the best thing about it is He WANTS to listen to us. We can pour out our heart to God, and He is there to give us just what we need. He won't condemn us for being weak in faith like other Christians do sometimes. He won't point out all our faults and failures, and make us feel unforgiven or unfit to serve. Here is the verse He gave me last night:

Psalm 62:8 "Trust in Him at all times, you people. Pour out your heart before Him. God is a refuge for us."

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Test Results

A lot of you have been asking and wondering how my tests came out. I had my EEG yesterday and got the results from both the MRI and EEG. The doctor said I was experiencing what is called Post-Concussion Syndrome. It is not serious; he sees it all the time; and the symptoms should be completely gone in the next week or so. No permanent or long-lasting damage should occur. =) Praise the Lord, and thanks for all your concern and prayers!

Today is my last day at work until Wednesday afternoon, so I probably won't be around the "blogosphere" very much. Everyone have a safe and happy Christmas!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

What Is Up with This???

What is going on? As if living through the drama of my own wreck wasn't enough, in the past four days I have heard of 6 terrible wrecks, and seen 3 of them right before my own eyes.

Friday night, on the way to go shopping, the car in front of us suddenly veers off into the median at high speed, crashed through several yards of a fence, hit an oncoming car, and swerved back into the median, steering recklessly in every direction before finally coming to a smoky stop.

On the way home that same night, we passed where a car had just totally smashed into a tree off the road. The only thing left of the car was the trunk.

Sunday in church, a teacher from Lexington High School asked prayer for their assistant principal's family who lost both children in an accident Friday night.

Then my good friend Paul, who is a youth pastor up in Maryland, lost one of the college students from his church in an accident on the way home from college.

Sunday night, on my way home from a friend's house, I was going through the same intersection where my wreck happened a few weeks ago. I was going through on a green light once again, and this COMPLETE MORONIC IDIOT pulls out and turns right in front of me! Thankfully, I have become a little more cautious while going through intersections, so I was able to hit the brakes and avoid another wreck.

This morning, on my way to work, a Pepsi Semi overturned right before my eyes on the other side of the highway. It came smashing through several lanes of traffic, and overturned on the barracades in the middle, pinning a car up between the two. A couple cars in front of me actually had debris land on them from the Pepsi truck.

Okay, I know wrecks happen all the time. Yes, I pass wrecks every day. But they don't usually happen right in front of me like this. And I don't usually come away with a strong feeling of horror in the pit of my stomach.

I don't know what's going on, but it terrifies me just getting in my car to go anywhere these days. Have people just totally blown through the roof on the "Idiotic Driving Scale" or what?

Anyways, I sure hope this ends soon--and not for my sake, but for the sake of all drivers and children out there.

Please be safe through the holidays and always!!

This message brought to you by just another driver who gets fed up with MORONS on the road!!!

Friday, December 16, 2005

The Paper Rose

The Paper Rose

This paper rose I hold in my hand—

A silly, yet charming gesture,
Made me smile and brought me pleasure.
Seven months later, still holding on to this token,
But like it, now my heart is broken.

So, I’m letting go of this paper rose—

And a single releasing motion
Frees my heart of divided devotion;
Lets go of trying to work things out
Which brought only pain, disappointment, and doubt.

I’ve learned a lesson from this paper rose—

Don’t hold on when God is taking away.
Let go of the dreams of yesterday.
New hopes blossom each new morning;
Have faith, trust God, and heed the warning

Of the little white paper rose.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

It's Worth the Wait

How come we have to wait for all good things? Just something I've been thinking about lately...

Nobody likes to wait. Yet, everyone has to in certain situations. We all have to wait in traffic, wait in line, wait for others, wait for the right timing, wait for a good sale, wait in the "waiting room" =) wait, wait, wait.

I planned a division luncheon yesterday at a really good steakhouse--even reserved a table and everything, but we still had to sit and wait for 45 minutes to be seated, and then about 45 more before we got our food. But the food was delicious, let me just tell you!!

Now we could've gone to any "choke-n-puke" we wanted, and not had to wait at all, but the food wouldn't be near as good.

I think waiting for things helps us to appreciate them better.

You wait and wait for the "right person" in your life, and when they come along, you appreciate them more than a person you didn't wait for.

We wait and wait for that parking spot, and next time when there's an open one, we appreciate it more.

We wait for Christmas to come around once a year, and we are appreciative when it does.

My point today simply put is that there are things in life that are worth waiting for.

So, don't complain about waiting; try to find the brighter side. (Okay, I know that sounded really cheesy coming from me, but get over it!)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The angels still sing

Many people are facing the upcoming holidays without the person they love. Maybe they haven't found this person yet, maybe they are separated for a while, or maybe one has gone on to heaven. For whatever reason, although the true meaning of Christmas is ever-present and gives eternal joy, the longing in the heart to share the holidays with that person will never go away. This poem is dedicated to those people. May God bless your Christmas and surround you with love, joy, and peace.

The angels still sing “Gloria”

One more Christmas without your bliss;
New Year’s Eve without your kiss.
But let’s not dwell on things I’ll miss;
For the angels still sing “Gloria.”

The fire doesn’t seem as warm to me;
The lights, a little dim on the tree.
Carols are sung with not quite so much glee,
But the angels still sing “Gloria.”

The mistletoe stays in the box this year;
But I hung the bells without a tear.
My love for the season is still there,
And the angels still sing “Gloria.”

What was so romantic about the snow?
I’ll bake the cookies, but without the glow.
Yet in my heart, there is joy, for I know
That the angels still sing “Gloria.”

By candlelight later, I’ll say a prayer
That things may be different by next year.
If not, it won’t be too much to bear,
For the angels will still sing “Gloria.”

"And suddenly there was with the angel, a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will toward men!"

Monday, December 12, 2005


I got pulled over for speeding out of state 2 weeks ago....yes, surprise, surprise....I know. (No harrasment please!) I thought the ticket would be really high, because I was (it painse me to even write this) almost 30 mph over the speed limit.

Yeah, it had just turned from 70 to 65 to 55 all within a really short distance, and I hadn't slowed down yet when he got me. So, I'm thinking like, $300 or close to it. He didn't give me the amount on the spot--I had to wait to weeks and then call "Criminal Court." (Yeah, that'll make a person feel real good about themselves.)

So, I called today, and it was $100 less than I expected....Yea!

(Let me just insert something real quick. I know after reading this, you guys are thinking, "Wow. She deserved to be in that wreck then, the little speed-demon." Not quite. Just get that out of your head. The two are totally unrelated. I was NOT speeding when I got in the wreck. Just had to clear that up!) =)~

So, now, I won't be speeding. I'll be hesitant to go through an intersection EVEN when I have a green arrow. People behind will be frustrated, but that's okay. I'm just gonna drive like a great-grandma. (I had to throw the GREAT-grandma in there, because my Gramma reads this, and I don't want her to be offended!!)

And now, I have $100 to buy Christmas presents with, that I wasn't expecting to have! Woo-hoo. Things are looking better by the minute.

Pics of my car

My banged up car!! =( ...yes, it was totalled.

This shows how badly the alignment was messed up.

They cleaned up in here before I took this picture. There was white powder everywhere.

Friday, December 09, 2005


I apologize for not being around much lately!! I have been car shopping, and dealing with the insurance company, and going back to the doctor for more tests, etc., etc., etc. I will be glad when this is all over with. I have taken pictures of my wrecked car, but unfortunately, I cannot post them until I get to work on Monday, because they are taking forever to upload from here at home. I cried like a baby when I pulled up to get my stuff out of my car yesterday. I don't know why....I saw it at the accident, and it's just a car... I mean, c'mon! Anyways, I have to get an EEG done on my head and see a neurologist because I'm having concentration and memory problems, so pray no long-term damage was done, please!!!

I promise I will post more frequently and respond better to everyone's wonderful comments, and go leave comments at your places when I catch up with my life!!

Have a blessed weekend, and enjoy the spirit of Christmas!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Real Short

I was spoiled. I admit it. I really miss my "bun warmers" in my Maxima!!

Things are really hectic at work. I will post more when I get a minute!

Thanks for all the prayers, calls, and notes of concern!

Kristi =)~

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Saturday Night

Rumbles of thunder outside seem to add to the overall forboding feelings of the night. The house is deathly quite. As I reach back to rub my aching neck, and adjust the pillows for my back, scenes from last night flash through my mind again for what seems the hundredth time…


It was about 6:30 p.m. Darkness had settled over about 45 minutes previously. The on and off rain of the day had settled into a light drizzle. I had been running around all day, and still had several things left to do before I could call it a day.

Early that morning, I went to hand out Christmas greetings with others from my church at the big, downtown Columbia parade. I then had to replace a taillight in my car, and set up a time to get my front brake pads replaced. Next, I went to visit and spend time with my Sunday School kids, and make sure they were going to get up the next morning and ride the bus. I was late to go vacuum the church sanctuary, and then went directly to another parade to hand out more Christmas greetings. I was leaving the church to go meet my friend Dahlia and get a bite to eat before I met this guy to fix my breaks.

“What is all this traffic from?” I wondered.
“Oh, yeah, that living Christmas story at the Methodist Church….I wish they would think of a way to avoid all this congestion of cars. I’ve got places to go. I need to get down to the light so I don’t have to turn left at that dangerous intersection without a light…. Oh, good, I can cross here and go down to the light.”

Meanwhile, there was a driver behind me going through the same predicament. However, she did not see the opening to get down to the light, so she continued straight and would chance the dangerous intersection.

“Okay, great, green light, I’m good to go.”

“CRASH!!!” ‘AAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” “I’m spinning in a circle. I have no control. My eyes are burning. It stinks in here. Oh, no, somebody’s gonna hit me from behind, and it’s over. I’m so dead.” I braced myself, waiting for the impact from behind, but thank the Lord, it never came.

“Okay, Kristi, pull it together. Where’s your phone? Call somebody. Can you get out of your car? Why won’t the horn quit honking? Where did that car come from? I’m SSOOOO MAD! I don’t want to go through this again. Not another car totaled!! Calm down. Get out of the car. Good. Okay, see if the other girl is okay. See if the police are on their way. Call Dahlia. Guess I won’t be needing that brake job!!”

Everyone was okay. We filled out the police report. The other driver was at fault. It was the driver that had been following me previously, but didn’t see how to get down to the traffic light. She never saw me coming.

I shed a few tears as my car was being towed away.

The adrenaline was starting to wear off, and I was really starting to hurt, but insisted I was fine and did not need to go to the hospital. I’m finally getting something to eat. My phone rings again. My head is starting to feel a little groggy…
“Hey, Kristi. Are you okay?”


“When did the accident happen?”

“Sometime last year…”
What did I just say?

“Kristi, it couldn’t have happened last year… Are you SURE you’re okay?”

“Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking, hon.”
Wait a minute. Hon??? What AM I thinking. I don’t ever call people hon. Especially a man from my church…

“Kristi, I think you should go to the doctor.”

“Yeah, okay. I’m fine really. I gotta go.”

Dahlia takes me home, insisting the whole time I should go get checked out. But I’m pretty stubborn. “What’s the doctor gonna do, Say, “yeah, you’re hurting. It’ll be that way for a few days, then you’ll be better’?”

I’m at home, trying to explain what happened when I start talking about the airbag…or tried to, at least. Instead of saying “my airbag”, I say “my facemask”.
What? Where did that come from? I think my mind is just in shock or something. Things are just not coming out right. And what is that awful pain in my mouth and that burning feeling on my leg?

Well, my mom gives me no choice but to go to the doctor, so I’m back out the door.

The doc takes some x-rays, says I have bruised muscles in my back and a slight head injury. He gave me a pain pill prescription, and general instructions that I’d be feeling bad for a few days.

After I got home again, I realized that the burning feeling on my leg was an actual burn from the friction created by the airbag.

I woke up this morning feeling like a train wreck, (well, at least a car wreck! Ha ha). My neck was sore from whiplash, and my back just plain hurt. I also discovered what the pain was in my mouth as I went to brush my teeth. During the impact, I had apparently taken a chunk out of my tongue. No lie. You can see clearly where it’s missing, and there’s a little piece hanging down. GROSS! Yeah, I know. No wonder it hurts so bad!


I stayed home all day from church wondering if my Sunday School kids missed me. I hope so. I missed them.

When I go to get all of my “stuff” out of my car, I’ll try to take a few pictures for you all. It’s pretty banged up.

Count your blessings this season. We are truly blessed just to have each other around!

Friday, December 02, 2005

I can't stop rambling this week!!!

This is the first Friday I have worked in two months!! Whew!!! I've been going all over the country, and friends have been coming by constantly, but now, looks like things are settling down.

You guys remember my
Wedding Song? Well, Steve was kind enough to put music to it. He did a great job. I love it! Here it is

Powered by Castpost

I was finally eligible for an upgrade on my cell phone, and I have been wanting the new Motorola RAZR in black for a while, so.... I ordered it today! It's going to be my Christmas present from my mom. (Hope she's okay with that! ha ha ha)

I have car problems. You know, I think the worst thing about being a single female is having to take care of my car. I really, really dislke it. I don't like getting gas, getting the oil changed, putting air in the tires, or even walking into an auto shop. I feel all these men's eyes looking at me like, "What is SHE doing here?" And then, that devious grin comes across their lips with the thought of "Oh, great, here's my change to rip off this ignorant, unsuspecting girl." Ugghh! It drives me nuts! Anyways, my brakes started squeaking, and I'm dreading taking my car somewhere to have it fixed, but the squeaking is driving me crazy as well. So, I guess it's a lose-lose. If I had a guy who all he did was maintain my car, I think I would be happy! =)

Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend! Go out there and face the crazy Christmas traffic, and crowds, and lines, and frenzy with a smile!! =) (Yeah, that line was totally for me!!)

Thursday, December 01, 2005



Only one set of footprints along the edge of the sea.
One lawn chair in the sand, but no need for a frisbee.

One warm seat by the fire beside a cold, empty chair.
Only one stocking hung by the chimney with care.

One hand clutching a casket, but no one to hold the other.
One smile fades quickly, not returned by another.

Only one rising early for a brisk morning walk,
One lays downs at night after checking the lock.

Only one meal, “Yes, that will be To Go”;
One lovely drive home, but no one to show.

One figure lost midst the others bustling through the mall,
Only one tear, but wiped away, unnoticed by all.

Only one shadow passing through the doors of the church,
One heart is touched; it’s the end of his search--

One ragged, beaten man trudges up a hill
Only one rejected, yet crying, “Lord, not my will.”

One man dies in darkness between two thieves,
Only one while in death, sinners receives.

One Man rose again, offers life through His death only,
So that others, though alone, have no reason to be lonely.

By Kristi Reese

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Handling Defeat!

Well, I finally tried it last night, and I COULDN'T DO IT!!! Surprise, Surprise. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you can get informed here. Anyways, I gobbled down three of these things like they were tiny Krystal burgers or something. But then on that fourth one, Man! It started tasting like I was chewing on a grease-ball. It was sticking to the top of my mouth, and I just wanted to throw-up! I did get down 3 and 3/4 though, so that's pretty good, right?

But not good enough!!! My mother was happily able to say "I told you so!" with extreme pleasure. But just to prove a point that I wasn't full yet, I was just tired of eating the same thing, I ate a couple cookies! Ha ha ha.

So, as I headed to the gym last night, I knew I had to work extra hard. We just had the Thanksgiving holidays, AND I just ate almost 4 burgers. I hadn't been to the gym in about 2 weeks.
So, I was all geared up, and ready to conquer the world when I walked in there last night, and totally forgot to stretch--before, during, or after! Not once, through my whole workout did I stop and stretch. So, needless to say, I'm totally paying for it today!

Hope you all have a good day! I hope to have something better and more encouraging for you to read tomorrow!! It's another one of those "rambling" days!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Handling Disappointment

I know since I posted that poem about my uncertainties of this past week, everyone wants to know what happened. That's just human nature I suppose.

So, is it pessimistic of me to say that I don't let my hopes get up, because I don't want to be disappointed? And if something good DOES happen, i will be pleasantly surprised? Well, if you want to call it pessimism, then I guess that's what I am. But it saved me from being hurt once again, so I don't see any need to change it.

No, things did not work out how I wanted. I was not even able to see this person because of circumstances beyond either of our control. But, I was not terribly upset. I focused on the good things during my trip. I was able to spend lots of time with family that I just love to death... I mean, what other crazy family would have Thanksgiving outside when it is 19 degress out, snowing, and 40-mph winds???

But we had lots of good hot food, and some mean hands of spades. I got to hang with my cousins and play lots of pool and poker =) (I would have come home a rich lady if we were playing for money!)

Anyways, if something is to work out between the two of us, it will have to be totally God's doing, because I've done all I can, and nothing has come of it yet.

I've posted a few pictures in the sidebar for your enjoyment.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Bumper Sticker

I saw a bumper sticker on my way into work this morning. It read:

"I like your Christ.
I don't like your Christians.
Your Christians are nothing like your Christ."

Wow! What a slap in the face. Sadly, however, for many it is a much-needed slap in the face, because it is very true.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

See ya'

I'm out fo' realz this time!! I'm headed north and there's supposed to be snow every day while I'm there, so I'll post pictures when I get back.

You all have a blessed Thanksgiving. Don't forget to give thanks for blogging buddies!! =)

See ya' Monday.

Monday, November 21, 2005

The Manly Man and the Womanly Woman

Bradley Hathaway is the author of this poem:

The Manly Man

I don’t want my long hair, pretty green eyes, with—(no, I do not have on mascara)—eyelashes; skinny figure, undersized T-shirt, hips shake too much when I walk–to confuse anybody… I am a Manly Man!

Within this sissy frame, obviously rib-laden chest
Lies a heart that drives to the beat of a native American ritual dancing wildness,
It pumps an ever-cascading supply of untamedness
That a heard of wild mustangs still have yet to grasp.
If danger lurks about, I will seek it out.
If adventure abounds, I will be found there.
If a damsel be in distress, I will show her who is best.

I am a manly man… because I don’t flush,
and I leave the lid up.
I drive a 1988 Ford pick-up truck;
Girls don’t break up with me…
I break up with them first(except the last time didn’t really work out like that)
I don’t shave the hair on my face
(because I still can’t grow facial hair yet, but when I can I won’t)
Because beards are tough!
I fart, burp and spit when I want, not caring who’s nearby.
Disrespect my momma, and I will punch you in the eye.
I am a Manly Man… or am I?

I tell my guy friends I love ‘em, and sometimes,
sometimes I even hug ‘em,
Not because I’m gay, but because I love em.
And when I watch Bambi, I cry.
And when my mema gets mad, I still run and hide.
Like David I want to be a man after God’s own heart;
I’m not there yet, but past the start.
And when people talk, I try to listen;
and a spirit of compassion—that’s my vision.
Surely I am a Manly Man.

I want to be loved, and have love, and give love.
And not just that romantic kind either,
(although I am looking for that beauty).
Not helpless, but one who wants to be rescued—
the damsel in distress,
Man, woman, myth, true.
I will fight for her,
climb the highest mountain for her,
love her, share with her,
Delight in her, be her warrior, her protector.
She will be my crown, and I will be hers.
My masculinity will be passed down and affirmed to my sons,
And each of my daughters will know they are lovely,
And deserving of authentic romance…
Society tells me all day long that I define manhood completely wrong,
But you ask any honest man and he will agree;
you ask any honest woman
And she too will see that
I am a manly man!

...and I responded with this:

The Womanly Woman

I don’t want my tough, “I can handle it”—(no, I’m not a feminist)—“I can do anything a man can” attitude, with my super-fit body, can do 100 man-style push-ups in 30 seconds—to confuse anybody . . .

I am a womanly woman!
I am always dressed to kill
While out shopping, at work, or preparing a meal.
I must have at least two pairs of shoes for each outfit,
Hair is done, makeup on, and my nails, a hit.
I am a womanly woman.

I am modest, but fashionable,
Respected by the young girls, so impressionable.
There is grace in each and every step,
More than just surface, I am a person of depth.
I am a womanly woman.

I am always courteous in public,
I smile and greet; confidence is my trick.
Never would you see me fart, burp, or spit,
Those words won’t even form on my lips.
I am a womanly woman.

My home is perfectly kept.
I’m on top of the chores, have never overslept.
I look good, smell good, taste good for my man
He comes home each day to his biggest fan.
I am a womanly woman.

My heart is touched by any love story
When my man neglects me, I start to worry.
I try hard to control my monthly emotions,
But if you mess with my man, I’ll start a commotion.
I am a womanly woman.

I don’t fight or fuss when I don’t get my way.
My word’s enough, it holds much sway.
I live out the qualities of Proverbs thirty-one
To make my mark for when my life here is done.
I am a womanly woman. . . Or am I?

Does this mean I never have a bad day?
Or I don’t slip up and not mean what I say?
I’ve been outside and worked up a sweat,
I’ve thrown the football and beat any record set.
I’ve mowed the lawn, changed the oil
Lost my cool, and acted spoiled.
Had a fight with my man, and went away crying,
But he brought me flowers; I knew he was trying.
I go to church and God touches my heart,
I leave determined to make a fresh start.
In all these things, you see, yes, I am human,
Yet I remain, a womanly woman.


I apologize for not replying to everyone's comments over the past few days. I had a friend drop by for an un-planned weekend visit, so I wasn't at my computer very much. I will be leaving again tomorrow, and will be out until next Monday. But after that, I should be back to my regular updates and things. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Praying for judgment, Yes or No?

A post on Josh's site got me to thinking. The post was about Fidel Castro coming down with Parkinson's. Josh ended his post mentioning that we should probably pray for him. Now this situation with Castro is not really the issue I want to talk about. I got to thinking about praying for your enemies.

We all know the passage in Matthew 5:44, "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hat you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you."

But my question is what about all the Psalms where David prays for judgment and destruction to come to his enemies. Are those type of prayers applicable for the Christian today? (I know there is a word for these type of prayers, but I can't think of it for the life of me...Help!!)

Consider Psalm 35:
1. Plead my cause O LORD, with them that strive with me; fight against them that fight against me.

3. Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me...

4. Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul; let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.

5. Let them be as the chaff before the wind, and let the angel of the LORD chase them.

6. Let their way be dark and slippery, and let the angel of the LORD persecute them.

8. Let destruction come upon him at unawares and let his net that he hath hid catch himself; into that very destruction let him fall.

9. And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD...

Now my question is, are there instances where we could pray a prayer like Psalm 35 and not be guilty of breaking the command to "love our enemies?"

What I'm thinking right now, is that maybe it really IS love to pray for their demise, because that is that only way to save this person from hurting others.

What do you think?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

One more thing...

A great victory has been reached for us here in the Palmetto State. Read here.

The Carpenter's Son

The Carpenter's Son

"Is not this the carpenter's son,
Revered by almost none?"
"It is only Jesus," they said,
"Mary and Joseph's little one."

"Is not this the carpenter's son,
Jesus, what has he done?"
They heeded Him not, scorning Him,
Then Christ said, "My town can't be won."

"Is not this the carpenter's son?"
It's still asked of that One.
They believe Him not, know Him not,
And reject Him, while poking fun.

Jesus, that mocked carpenter's Son,
My thanks for all You've done.
You've become so much more to me,
More than just a carpenter's son.

You're the Master Carpenter's Son.
Your work is not yet done.
You're builing my life, shaping me
With love into a faithful son.

Monday, November 14, 2005

With "P" I end my postings on Calvinistic teachings, at least for now!

Okay, I found these definitions at this site regarding the P in TULIP.

Calvin's Teaching:
Perseverance of the Saints - Since God has decreed the elect, and they cannot resist grace, they are unconditionally and eternally secure in that election.

And explained a little further:
The Calvinist doctrine of the "perseverance of the saints" teaches that once you are a Christian, you are forever a Christian. Once born into God's family, you can't quit being a family member. God will never disown you. Once made alive in Christ, you can never die—"once saved, always saved." To the Calvinist, you can never divorce God out of your life, and he won't divorce you under any circumstance. In a word, "you can't, He won't."

Contrasted with Wesley's Teaching:
Assurance and Security - There is security in God’s grace that allows assurance of salvation, but that security is in relation to continued faithfulness; we can still defiantly reject God.

And then, there's also Kc's explanation:
"Perseverance of the saints means that what God started He will finish and what He said He will do He will do. ... Some people say 'once saved always saved' but it's more than that."

I'm not sure if the Wesleyan teaching above is to be interpreted that it is possible to lose one's salvation or not. But if that's what it is saying, then of course I disagree with that one completely.
Whether we remain faithful to God or not is not in question when considering our eternal security. God has given those who believe everlasting life, not probationary life. (John 6:47; I John 5:11-13; John 10:28; John 6:37-39)

If we had to do something or perform a certain way in order to keep our salvation, then of course, it would not be salvation.

I think we all agree on this, right?

Even though we have been saved from our sins, our salvation will not be complete until we get to Heaven, and I, for one, am "fully persuaded that what He has promised He is also able to perform" (Rom. 4:21) God is faithful; He will keep His promises.

However, God definitely is not finished with us here on this earth when we believe; actually, He has just begun a complete life-changing process. Philippians 1:6 "Being confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." II Corinthians 5:17 "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature..." I Peter 2:2 "As newborn babies, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that you may grow thereby."

God is not content to leave His children as babies. He will work in our lives to mature us and grow us to be sons and daughters who are shining examples for Him in this world.

The Holy Spirit will be working in us to help us "put to death the old man" and "put on the new man," (in other words, "starve the flesh and feed the spirit") until we do reach that day when our positional and practical sanctification are complete in a new glorified body which cannot sin.

Do we all agree on this point?

More Randomness...

I have had the hiccups for 3 hours and running.

Now that I got that out of the way, I guess I should include somthing that is worth your time here in the Korner, huh?

Well, I'm supposed to talk about the P in the Tulip of Calvanism. Perseverance of the saints, or as Adam likes to call it, Preservation of the saints. However, I'm going to have to find out what it means before I can post about it, because I have no idea. So, in the meantime, I will leave you with this:

South Carolina defeated Florida for the first time in 66 years Saturday, 30-22, making it their first time ever to win five consecutive SEC games, and putting them as #19 in the top 25! Go Steve Spurrier! And help us kick Clemson's tail this weekend!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

In Honor of Veteran's Day 11/11/05

“Back Home”

Hi there, No telling what all you will face
Or how difficult the way will be,
Or how wrong the things that you will see.
But while you’re gone, there’s something you should know—
Back home, someone is proud of you,
And that someone is praying for you.

Your name may be lost amidst hundreds of others
And you’ll never hear the praise and thanks
From any outside your own ranks.
But before asking why, there’s something you should know—
Back home, someone each day thanks God for you,
And tells others to look up to you.

Perhaps that unspoken fear will become reality
And though it does not seem fair,
You will take your last breath of air.
But don’t despair; there’s something you should know—
Back home, people are free because of you,
And ahead, open arms are waiting for you.

Send a message of thanks to our troops here.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Are you getting excited?

I went shopping last night, and was shocked to hear Christmas music playing. I guess I shouldn't have been shocked, but I just didn't realize that it was already the second week of November, and Christmas is not that far away!!

Let's not skip over Thanksgiving though!! I'm excited about going to see grandparents and family in Ohio, and all the wonderful food!!!

Speaking of lots of food, my mom and I have had this "bet"-type thing going on of whether or not I could eat 5 Sonic burgers in one sitting. I say I can. She says I can't. So, we're supposed to put it to the test here soon. Well, last night, she had made burritos. I asked if eating 5 burritos would equal 5 Sonic burgers. She was like, "there is no way you could eat 5 burritos." Well, she was TOTALLY wrong. I ate up 5 like it was nothing, and still had Starbucks and candybars later!! ha ha ha.

People misjudge us skinny people all the time, thinking we can only eat like a bird. Sooo not true. But, I know here real soon that great metabolism rate of mine is gonna slow way down and I'm gonna have to start doing double and triple time at my gym.

Anyways, hope I haven't lost too many of you with our on-going discussion of Calvanism in the previous post. This debating stuff is new for me, but I'm really enjoying it!

Well, just wanted to let you all know, I'm still here, and I haven't forgotten how to post simple little "nothing" posts!!

Time to start getting in the holiday spirit!!!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Adam made me do it!

Oh wait, that's backwards! Adam's the one that said "Eve made me do it." Oh, well. In this case, Adam K. made me do it! We were previously talking about Calvanistic teachings. Adam and I proceeded to take our discussion of limited atonement over to his blog, (well, I guess it's technically not a blog anymore) and managed to reach an agreement.

Now he has asked me to discuss some of the other Calvanistic points. I'm not really sure if I am up to this task, since I have never debated or done anything like this before. But I know what I believe, and will attempt to defend WHY.

Their five basic teachings are these:

Total depravity
Unconditional election
Limited atonement
Irresistible grace
Perseverance of the saints.

Now I have to admit that I am not completely aware of what all these things mean or include. So, Adam, you're going to have to tell me what you believe, and I will answer. I wish to first discuss the I. Irresistible grace. I believe this is the point where some Calvanists would include the teaching that faith is a gift from God, rather than a response of man. Is this correct?

And others, as always, feel free to add your thoughts and questions into this discussion. Please!
Also, keep in mind
"Kc's rules of Debate" so we conduct this in a Christ-like manner.

There is also a very interesting discussion going on over at
Ron's place about whether the Bible was written for believers or unbelievers. Feel free to join in there as well.

Totally off the subject--Isn't this interesting?

Your Blog Should Be Green
Your blog is smart and thoughtful - not a lot of fluff.You enjoy a good discussion, especially if it involves picking apart ideas.However, you tend to get easily annoyed by any thoughtless comments in your blog.

Uncertain Near Future

I had to post something somewhat "light" real quick, because we are about to get into another pretty "heavy" discussion... Get ready!

So you want to be just casual friends,
And with that simple phrase, it all just ends?
I'm shocked, puzzled, and amazed,
Hurt, lonely, wondering, and dazed.

What happened to the new-found passion?
Why has my once-vibrant face now turned ashen?
Was this just one more mistake to add to the list
Of shallow, non-commital guys I have kissed?

I truly believed this time was different.
Not just based on feelings and how things went.
But because you had respect for God and me,
Somthing I'd not found much previously.

Every aspect seemed just right,
Outward and inward, both a green light.
But one small problem got in the way--
I happen to live too far away.

I plan to see you in sixteen days.
Will it be a time to resurrect our old ways?
Or "just friends" wishing each other well?
I have no idea; only time will tell.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Are you into Debating?

We have two very interesting debates/discussions going on. If you have some time to kill and would like to read up on different viewpoints regarding Calvanistic teachings , see here and here.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Can I just vent?

Ok, I need to let out some steam before I explode. I think I am in major need of an attitude adjustment!

Once upon a time, there was a man who had three kids. Two daughters and a son. He was never very involved in their lives. He couldn't ever see past himself to be able to see their need for a father. So, the two girls grow up, and go to college. Only thing they ever heard from him was occasional "feel sorry for me; I have it so bad" letters. Now the son is in college, and suddenly this man feels the need to try to "make up for lost time" or something. He's been giving his son money and sending big care packages (not one he made and sent himself of course; that takes too much effort!). He's all interested in every detail of his life now, and wants to know from his wife everything that is going on with their son. But, does he ever ask either of the daughters what's going on with them? Has he ever sent his oldest daughter a package, (who by the way lives lots farther away than the son at college)? The only time he's acts interested in the daughters' lives is when it will make him look good. Sorry, but your son doesn't even want this sudden attention and attempt to "make-up." If he's anything like me, what he really wants to see is you start being a good husband and thinking about your wife's needs. He wants to see you start being responsible with your finances. He wants to see you be serious about the Lord instead of just acting the part. He wants to see you get over yourself and your pity party! He doesn't want your money. It doesn't impress him!

Shhwooo. Okay. I'm done. Sorry for all that venting. But man!! It just tears me up sometimes. I know all my attitudes are not right. I need to give it to God. It's so hard to love sometimes!!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Slow Dance

This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York


Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,"Hi"
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....
Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Didn't want to go here...

I was desperately trying to stay as far away from this subject as I could this year, but after knowing what I know now, I just can't keep quiet.

Halloween tends to be a very controversial topic these days, and I'm not going to say what part Christians should play in this "holiday." I simply want to share 4 different things that went on last night that I personally know about right here in my own community (in the middle of the "Bible belt"--keep in mind!)

1. A 10-year old girl dressed up as Marilyn Monroe--her mother's idea!
2. Two 13-year-old girls dressed as prostitutes, standing on a corner under a street lamp.
3. An 11-year old boy dressed up as a Playboy playmate, wearing his mother's thong, and went to a Baptist church fall festival. His mother thought it was cute!!!
4. (This outrages me!!) A 10-year-old boy dressed with blood all over and pieces of Styrofoam taped to his body. His mother was with him. He said he was supposed to be




What????? You've got to be kidding! I can't believe how far this nation has gone. What are parents thinking???? Obviously they have forgotten. What's it gonna take next to get our attention, if only 4 years later, we are making jokes about terrorist attacking the Twin Towers?

Monday, October 31, 2005

Absolute, Complete, and Total RANDOMNESS!

The South Carolina Gamecocks made history this weekend!! I know most of you don't care, but in case you do, you can read about it here.

I haven't had Starbucks or Mountain Dew in 9 days now. I've been having the worst withdrawal headaches!!! But I'm trying to save money!

I wanted to shout-out to all of you people who read, but don't comment--Hello New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Alaska, Colorado, South, Central, East, and West Texas, Tuscaloosa, Florida, Philippines, Georgia, Iraq, Newfoundland, South Carolina, Tennessee--I think that's it. Anyways, you know who you are, and thanks for reading. Don't be shy; you can do it--leave a comment sometime!

My computer was down all morning. I couldn't get into the system for work, couldn't go online, couldn't even get my email. So I played on Microsoft Paint. Here's what came of it:

Anyways, obviously, the computer's back up now, so I have lots to catch up on. I will try to collect my wandering thoughts into some kind of sensible, organized post for tomorrow.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Weekend of catching up

For the first time in quite a while, I actually am staying home for the weekend! Hopefully I will get to catch up on some much-needed beauty rest!! I'm going to relax and get some things done at home that have been screaming for my attention for quite some time--practicing music, cleaning, paying my bills, putting summer clothes away and breaking out the winter ones! =)

I hope everyone has a good and profitable weekend! Let's decide to honor God as much as we possibly can on this weekend where everyone else is honoring Satan, witchcraft, death, and horror. Pray for protection of God's people. That's all I'm going to say. Thanks.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Children's Ministries

In their eyes, I’m not just someone else at church,
I’m the one who first brought them to Sunday School.
In their eyes, I’m not just another Christian,
I’m the one who taught them so much Bible.
In their eyes, I’m not just a cool “grown-up”;
I’m the one they want to be just like.
In their eyes, I’m not just singing songs on the bus,
I’m the one showing and giving them God’s love.

Lord, they think too highly of me.

Oh how I don’t want to let them down.
To give up would be so easy,
But I can already see their frown
As I fail with my responsibility
And fall face-first in the ground.
All their hopes and dreams would die.
They would second-guess their faith;
Look up in the sky
And wonder why they even try.
Lord, I can’t bear to see them go awry.
I represent the only stability they know.
The only place where they grow
Where love and laughter flow.

So Lord,

In Your eyes, may I not be just another child
May I be a child in whom You find delight.
In Your eyes, may I not be the wandering sheep,
May I stay close to Your side.
In Your eyes, may I not be a quitter,
May I run my race to the end.
In Your eyes, may I not stand before you in tears of regret,
May I hear “Well done, my child, welcome home.”

And then, may I turn and see,

Still proud to be following in my steps,
These children who thought the world of me,
Coming to meet their Savior
Who they have served so faithfully.
Lord, help me to be strong.
I’m overwhelmed by the responsibility.
Every time, before I do something wrong,
Let me see their faces
And choose in light of eternity.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A Prayer For ????

Lord, somewhere today is someone
Whose soul will one day be one with mine.
I pray Your presence will be real to that one;
That with Your love his life will shine.
Calm his fears; dissuade his worries;
Give him a peace that comes only from You.
Help him make decisions that will
Make his heart more wholly Yours.
Protect him from tragedy, harm, and
Evil darts of the wicked one.
Develop within him a deep, burning passion--
Passion for pleasing You, for purity,
For the souls of the lost.
Let him see You, Lord, and then
Fall in love with Who he sees.
Continue shaping his character and
Build him into a strong husband and father.
Keep his thoughts and his heart
Free of distractions from You,
And lead him to me
When Your time is right.
Thank you, Father.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Quick time out...

I wanted to take a quick time out to say I had forgotten how beautiful Texas is in my 3 or 4 years of absence! And how much better the Mexican food is there!!! Wow! And how Dr. Pepper is a staple item for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything in between! Oh, and seeing the Lonestar State flag absolutely EVERYWHERE. It was beautiful. We ate at Mercado Juarez Mexican Restaurant--it was awesome. For those of you who live in Texas, forgive me, I know you are used to all these things, but for me, it brought back many memories of being in Texas as a kid to visit family, and cherishing every minute of it. God Bless Texas!

(P.S. Dahlia, FYI, these are bluebonnets!)

Monday, October 24, 2005


Ever felt joy and sadness at the same time?
Ever wanted to scream and laugh together?
Ever hoped and gave up in the same moment?
Ever been angry and grateful for the same thing?
Ever want to sing and cry with the same breath of air?
Ever wished to be alone and surrounded at the same time?
Ever asked God for death and grace to live in one prayer?
Ever wanted to remain bitter and grant forgiveness towards one person?
Ever loved deeply and hated incessantly with the same heart?
Ever felt motivated and discouraged by the same thing?
Ever been attracted to and repelled by a single individual?
Ever want to leave and stay at the same time?
Ever been relieved and stressed in a single moment?
Ever met with failure and success over a single happening?

Just wondering if I am alone in these contradictions of life and feelings...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Off and Running Again

Well, I head to Dallas in the morning. I still don't feel like I've recuperated from last weekend's adventures. All these weekend trips should end sometime soon....well, probably not till after the holidays, but that's okay. It's fun, and I'm single, so I'm allowed to travel all over, right?

Anyways, as always, I'll post pictures when I return.

I've added a link for the Prayer List in my sidebar. Feel free to go there and add any burdens on your heart, so other believers can be praying for you. And don't forget to pray for the other requests mentioned while you are there.

Talk to you all Monday.

Oh and for those of you who are too lazy to read the prayer list, keep my church's Sunday services in your prayers. We are having a big evangelistic outreach service, and are praying for many souls to be saved. Thanks.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Check point: Motivation

Last night I was considering why I strive to do right; why I serve the Lord, and the Lord showed me that in some areas, yes I am motivated to do right, which is good, but that motivating factor should be better. So I began to consider different things that motivate people, and grouped them into four main categories.

First, the fear of man. Some people do what they do because they are scared of what will happen if they don't--scared of being found out, being caught, being shown to be not genuine. It's not that they really want to do those things, but they base their security on what others think of them, and therefore do these things to make their image look better to others. Just for an example, some people date for this reason. They don't really love the person and enjoy spending time with them, but they are afraid of what people will think if they do not have a boyfriend/girlfriend, so they date out of fear of man.

A second motivation can be love of man. This is closely related to the previous, but slightly different. A person motivated by love of man does things for others to recognize him. Praise, prestige, his image, fame--all these things are what keeps this person going. If you think about it, this could also be labeled as love of self, because why does he love the praise of man so much? Because he loves himself. He is very proud.

The fear of God is a third motivating factor. Now, this is not a bad motivation. The Bible constantly instructs us to have the fear of the Lord in our lives (in Proverbs especially) and in Hebrews says "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God." and "Our God is a consuming fire." Now people can take this too far, and not realize that God is a personal God and wants to get to know each of us personally. You have to balance all of God's attributes to have a proper perspective of Him. A person motivated out of fear of God does what is right because he is scared of punishment from God if he does wrong. Again, this is not horrible, but there is better...

The final and best motivation is love of God. The unsaved can be motivated to do right by all three previous motivations, but this one, they lack. As sinners saved by grace, and made the children of God, this is the highest motivation we can have, and is the one we should seek to have. We should want to do right and serve the Lord out of love, because of all He's done for us. "For the love of Christ constraineth us...that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him which died for them and rose again." II Corinthians 5:14,15.

Think about different areas of your life. Why do you do what you do?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

What are you waiting for?

God is such a great Father. This seems to be a reoccuring theme with me--that God loves to give His kids good things. I'm sure there are several reasons why I keep coming back to that, but I'll spare you the analysis!

Anyways, there were three small areas recently that I just gave over to God, and said "I can't do it. I can't make happen what I want to happen. So I'm leaving it in Your hands to work out the way You see fit." God worked in all three situations and blessed me with answers and plans even greater than I could imagine--all three within 5 hours of each other yesterday. Wow. It' s like God was saying, "What were you waiting for? It's about time you trusted Me to work this out. Look, all you had to do was test Me, try Me, and prove Me, and of course, I'm true to My promises. I will come through for you. Now isn't this much easier than beating yourself up, trying to handle things on your own?" Yes, Lord, of course, it is. Thank you. Help me to trust You sooner and more often with problems and difficulties.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Waiting on the Lord

Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried
Quietly, patiently, lovingly, God replied.
I pled and I wept for a clue to my fate,
And the Master so gently said, “Child, you must wait!”

“’Wait?’, You say, ‘wait’!” my indignant reply.
“Lord, I need answers, I need to know why!
Is Your hand shortened? Or have You not heard?
By faith I have asked, and am claiming Your Word.

“My future and all to which I can relate
Hangs in the balance, and You tell me to wait?
I'm needing a ‘yes’, a go-ahead sign,
Or even a ‘no’ to which I can resign.

“And, Lord, You promised that if we believe
We need but to ask, and we shall receive.
And, Lord, I've been asking, and this is my cry:
I'm weary of asking! I need a reply!”

Then quietly, softly, I learned of my fate
As the Master replied once again, “You must wait.”
So, I slumped in my chair, defeated and taut
And grumbled to God, “So, I'm waiting… for what?”

He seemed then to kneel and His eyes wept with mine,
And He tenderly said, “I could give you a sign.
I could shake the heavens, and darken the sun.
I could raise the dead, and cause mountains to run.

“All you seek, I could give, and pleased you would be.
You would have what you want—but, you wouldn't know Me.
You'd not know the depth of my love for each saint;
You'd not know the power that I give to the faint;

“You'd not learn to see through the clouds of despair;
You'd not learn to trust just by knowing I'm there;
You'd not know the joy of resting in Me
When darkness and silence were all you could see.

“You'd never experience that fullness of love
As the peace of My Spirit descends like a dove;
You'd know that I give and I save… (for a start),
But you'd not know the depth of the beat of My heart.

“The glow of my comfort late into the night.
The faith that I give when you walk without sight,
The depth that’s beyond getting just what you asked
Of an Infinite God, Who makes what you have last.

“You'd never know, should your pain quickly flee,
What it means that ‘My grace is sufficient for thee.’
Yes, your dreams for your loved ones overnight would come true,
But, oh, the loss! If I lost what I'm doing in you!

“So, be silent, My child, and in time you will see
That the greatest of gifts is to get to know Me.
And though my answers seem terribly late,
My wisest of answers is still but to wait.”

author unknown

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Peace out!

I'm heading to Connecticut first thing in the morning! That's okay. You don't have to pause the whole "blog-world"! I'll catch up when I get back. =)~ Anyways, yes, I know, the sarcasm is a bit much today.

Well, as some of my "peeps" like to say,


Be easy (copyright jimmy)


Two fangas (copyright lance)

I'm out

Peace, safety, health, love, contentment, and good grades! (copyright paul, amanda, and kristi)

See ya'! Seriously, I hope everyone has a great weekend!

(Remind me to tell ya'll sometime about the whole "paul, amanda, kristi" trio.)

Monday, October 10, 2005

Upcoming Weddings

This wedding song is dedicated to Candice and Greg, Josh and Jacki, and Jorge and Dahlia =), all facing marriage in the very near future!! Congratulations and best wishes to all of you. I love you.

I've always hoped to be loved
I've always looked toward this day
I had big dreams about the way
One would look in my eyes and say
"You are the one I love,
The one sent from God above." And

Right now, right this very moment,
My dream has come true
My prayers are answered in you
You hold my hands and say 'I do'
We promise to have and to hold forever
We promise to love and to cherish forever.
We pray we’ll honor the Lord together.
Right now, from this very moment I love you.

Many years will come and go
And hard times will try our hearts
But we will finish what we start
By God's grace we won't depart
The look in your eyes will show
That through all this you still know

Right now, right this very moment,
My dream has come true
My prayers are answered in you
You hold my hands and say 'I do'
We promise to have and to hold forever
We promise to love and to cherish forever.
We pray we’ll honor the Lord together.
Right now, from this very moment I love you.

And no single other soul
Will ever take this place you hold
Through all the joys and sorrows ahead
Each moment we’ll live the vows we said
So all will know this enduring truth. . .

Right now, right this very moment,
My dream has come true
My prayers are answered in you
You hold my hands and say 'I do'
We promise to have and to hold forever
We promise to love and to cherish forever.
We pray we’ll honor the Lord together.
Right now, from this very moment I love you.
--By Kristi Reese

Friday, October 07, 2005

The Five Senses

Sound of coffee beans being ground up in a busy coffee shop.
Smell of the rich, delicious coffee brewing and other wonderful sweet things baking.

Sight of that green and white sign and the cute little shop around the corner.

Taste, oh the taste...of richly blended gourmet flavors.

Feel--so refreshed and energized, you're ready to face the rest of the day!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Questions and an Answer

I find myself not being able to keep the "why's" out of my head...
Why is this happening?
Why is this girl suffering so much pain?
Why is a mother at such animosity with her daughter?
Why couldn't we find her sooner?
Why won't the mother let her live with us?
Why do things like this even happen?
Why hasn't the Word of God changed this woman's life yet?
Why are others so blinded to these atrocities?
Why can't anyone do anything about this?

But that still small voice inside of me keeps answering,

"Be still, my soul. The Lord is on thy side;
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide.
In every change, He faithful will remain.
Be sitll, my soul. Thy best, thy heavenly Friend
Through thorny ways, leads to a joyful end."
--Katharina A. von Schelgel

(P.S. I'll find out more tonight and update tomorrow. Thanks for all the prayers.)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


It sure puts a totally different perspective on things when you hurt for someone else more than you've ever hurt for yourself...

I may elaborate more later. Right now my heart is still too heavy. Just please be in prayer for a situation with a teenage girl at my church and Christian school.

"The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him." Nahum 1:7 (KJV)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


I AM by Helen Mallicoat

I was regretting the past and fearing the future.
Suddenly my Lord was speaking,
"My name is I AM." He paused. I waited. He continued.

"When you live in the past with its mistakes and regrets,
it is hard. I am not there. My name is not I WAS.

When you live in the future, with iths problems and fears,
it is hard. I am not there. My name is not I WILL BE.

When you live in this moment, it is not hard.
I am here. My name is I AM."

If you are anything like me, life is just not making sense right now. You're wondering how many more disappointments you can handle, and when everything is going to start "working together for good." I suppose, we should stop looking for things to make sense and work out for good at some distant time in the future, and see how God is working for good right now today. At the same time, we should also be careful not to limit God's working in the present by living in the past and not letting go of mistakes and disappointments that bog us down. This can be really hard to actually put into practice. I'm definitely sharing something that I need to work on myself...

Monday, October 03, 2005

October is finally here!

I am so excited because it is finally really starting to feel like fall. There are only 3 days left where temps will reach 80, and after that is just perfect weather. 70s during the day, and 60s at night!

Several opportunities have come my way to see college friends this month, some of whom I haven't seen in over 2 years!! A friend from South Texas is going to be here for the weekend, then I fly to Connecticut to be in my friend Candice's wedding, and then I go to Dallas, for Josh's wedding!!!

And I have my fingers crossed that I'll be able to see a special friend when I go to my grandparents' for Thanksgiving! Please pray for safety in all of these traveling endeavors!

Jesus said to His disciples in John 16 as He was headed to the cross, "I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man takes from you." Things in this life are so temporary. I can't wait for the permanency of eternity. Life, joy, relationships, peace, righteousness, love, and praising God--just to name a few--will all be permanent! Isn't that comforting?

Friday, September 30, 2005

Interracial Dating

No, she didn't go there!!!! Oh, yes I did!!!! Why is this topic such a powder-keg in Christianity today? Or is it just Southeastern Christianity? I don't know.

Okay--bottom line: Is it right or wrong for Christians (or anyone for that matter) to date/marry outside of their race? And why do you feel that way?

Second question: Is there a difference between a white person marrying a black person, and say a white marrying a hispanic, or an asian marrying a black? If you make a distinction there, please tell me why. I do not see any difference in principle.

(Just a side note, in case anyone was wondering, no I'm not currently dating or looking to date someone of another race right now. I just hear a lot about this and wonder why it's such a big deal.)

If you have a godly Christian guy and girl, and they happen to be different colors, why should that stop them from dating? I find nothing in the Bible that would teach this. Rather, I find God telling us to judge without partiality to race, that we are all of the same flesh and blood, that we shouldn't live for externals and temporary, but rather for eternal things, that the heart is what really matters, and not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers.

Christians are supposed to be known and characterized by their Christ-like love for each other. Why does it seem like the Christian community is the only group still struggling with accepting the interracial thing? Is it only those brothers and sisters within your race that we are to love? NO! So, if I love all people as Christ did, am I going to deem some inferior because of their skin color? No, again. Therefore, if I know of a interracial dating couple, and I know both individuals are believers, why should I automatically think there is something wrong with it?

So, I hear people say things like this, "Well, I guess there is nothing Biblically wrong with it, but...'s hard on the marriage to adjust to a person from a different culture, or's hard on the kids, or
3.other people will judge you and think your relationship is un-Christian."

Well, okay. First of all, I think that when any two people marry, they have to adjust to a new "culture." These are two totally different people, with two totally differnt backgrounds and experiences. What does color have to do with it? That adjustment must take place in every marriage.

Secondly, the line about it being hard on the kids, to me, seems really outdated. Mixed kids (of any two races) are some of the most beautiful people I have ever met. And I really don't think they get made fun of near as much as they did 10 or 20 years ago, unless I am just totally blinded and unaware. (All kids pick on other kids, and if they weren't mixed, I'm sure kids would find something else to pick on them about.)

Thirdly, you can't find a Biblical reason to support your prejudice, so you say I shouldn't do something because it will look bad to or offend others? Real crafty!! If the interracial relationship honors the Lord and points to a Christ-given love, I really don't think it would take much time at all for others to stop calling them "un-Christian". Some people are just racist. It is sad, but true. They were born and raised that way, and remain that way. Even if you take time to share with them why that attitude is so wrong, they will never change. I don't believe God would want a couple to end a good Christian relationship because of opposition from people like that. Think about it, will this relationship keep people from coming to Christ? No, actually I believe the opposite is true. I believe it will show people more of the kind of love Christ has that goes way beyond the superficial.

Now I'm not saying that everyone should go out there and start dating people of other races!! This isn't God's will for everyone, or even for most people. But we have to remember that God has a unique plan for each person. And just because someone else is not doing things the way we did doesn't make it wrong!!! So, if that is God's will for someone, don't hinder it. Let God work in the situation. Allow Him to give you peace about it instead of automatically deciding it is wrong. If they are doing things God's way, encourage and support them instead of being judgmental.

So, what do you guys think? Agree? Disagree? Have a different perspective?